Code for the to do list web application from the Intro to Firebase Workshop
With midterms coming up over the next few weeks, we want to be able to keep track of all the homework assignments we’ve completed, exams we have to study for, and more. We will be creating a to-do list web application that implements Google Firebase technologies to help you stay organized.
- Uses Cloud Firestore to store to do list items
- Uses JavaScript to connect to Cloud Firestore and render to-do list items in HTML front-end
- Ability to add or remove items from the to-do list on the HTML front-end
After you add or remove a task from your to-do list, refresh the page if you want to see the action's result on the client-side.
If you're using Visual Studio Code as your IDE of choice, use the Live Server extenstion so you can start-up a server in order to test the connections to and from Firebase.