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A simplified API for passing messages between DAQModules

API Description


  • Main point-of-contact for Unified API
  • Methods to retrieve Sender/Receiver instances using ConnectionRefs or uid (defined below)
  • Configures Queues and NetworkManager automatically in configure

Using IOManager from DAQModule code

  • dunedaq::get_iomanager() will return a pointer to the IOManager singleton
  • IOManager::get_sender<DataType>(std::string uid) and IOManager::get_receiver<DataType>(std::string uid) should be used to get Sender and Receiver objects connected to the appropriate connections. Note that ConnectionId objects are not required, as they will be constructed from the provided DataType and uid arguments.
  • Subscribers interested in multiple connections for a single DataType should use a Regular Expression to match the desired connections; this can be anywhere from a full wildcard (".*") to a specific connection UID, depending on the desired scope of the subscription. Topics are now automatically assigned by IOManager as the string representation of DataType.
  • The topic argument has been removed from SenderConcept<T>::send
  • appfwk will give DAQModules a list of appfwk::app::ConnectionReference objects, which associate a "name" to connection UIDs. Methods in DAQModuleHelper.hpp take DAQModule configuration objects and extract specific UIDs for given names.
  auto mandatory_connections =
    appfwk::connection_index(init_data, { "token_connection", "td_connection", "busy_connection" });

  m_token_connection = mandatory_connections["token_connection"];
  m_td_connection = mandatory_connections["td_connection"];
  auto busy_connection = mandatory_connections["busy_connection"];

  m_busy_sender = iom->get_sender<dfmessages::TriggerInhibit>(busy_connection);
  • Upon agreement from both endpoints, a connection can use a generated UID string (e.g. from SourceID::to_string()).

Other Notes for Framework Developers

  • The serialization library provides a new macro DUNE_DAQ_TYPESTRING(Type, string) which is included in the standard DUNE_DAQ_SERIALIZABLE and DUNE_DAQ_SERIALIZE_NON_INTRUSIVE macros (called from the dunedaq namespace only). These macros define the function datatype_to_string<T> which is used by IOManager to translate a datatype to the appropriate string. This template function must be visible in every compilation unit sending or receiving a given type!
    • If it is not available, an error message will be produced at runtime that IOManager was unable to find connection "uid" of type Unknown
  • In daqconf, all connections and queues must have a declared data type that matches a call to DUNE_DAQ_TYPESTRING. add_endpoint and connect_modules have changed their API to accomodate this.

ConnectionId, Connection, & Queue

  • ConnectionId uniquely identifies a network connection or queue
    • uid: String identifier for connection
    • data_type: String representation of data type
  • Connection defines a network connection, with required initialization
    • id: ConnectionId
    • connection_type: Describes what kind of connection (kSendReceive, kPubSub)
    • uri: Field is used by lower-level code to configure the connection
      • Standard ZMQ URI should be used, e.g. tcp://localhost:1234 (name translation is provided by IPM)
  • QueueConfig represents an app-internal queue
    • id: ConectionId
    • queue_type: Type of the queue implementation (e.g. kStdDeQueue, kFollySPSCQueue, kFollyMPMCQueue)
    • capacity: Capacity of the queue


  • Receiver is base type without template (for use in IOManager::m_receivers)
  • ReceiverConcept introduces template and serves as class given by IOManager::get_receiver
  • QueueReceiverModel and NetworkReceiverModel implement receives and callback loop for queues and network
    • NetworkReceiverModel::read_network determines if type is serializable using template metaprogramming


  • Similar design as for Receivers
  • QueueSenderModel and NetworkSenderModel implement sends for queues and network
  • NetworkReceiverModel::write_network determines if type is serializable using template metaprogramming

API Diagram

Class Diagrams



  // Int sender
  std::string uid = "bar";
  int msg = 5;
  std::chrono::milliseconds timeout(100);
  auto isender = IOManager::get()->get_sender<int>(uid);
  isender->send(msg, timeout);
  isender->send(msg, timeout);

  // One line send
  IOManager::get()->get_sender<int>(uid)->send(msg, timeout);
  // Send when timeouts may occur
  bool sent = isender->try_send(msg, timeout);

Receive (direct)

// String receiver
  std::string uid = "bar";

  auto receiver = IOManager::get()->get_receiver<std::string>(uid);
  std::string got;
  try {
    got = receiver->receive(timeout);
  } catch (dunedaq::appfwk::QueueTimeoutExpired&) {
    // Deal with exception
  // Alternate API for when timeouts may be allowed
  std::optional<std::string> ret = receiver->try_receive(timeout);
  if(ret) TLOG() << "Received " << *ret;

Receive (callback)

  // Callback receiver
  std::string uid = "zyx";

  // CB function
  std::function<void(std::string)> str_receiver_cb = [&](std::string data) {
    std::cout << "Str receiver callback called with data: " << data << '\n';

  auto cbrec = IOManager::get()->get_receiver<std::string>(uid);
  try {
    got = cbrec->receive(timeout);
  } catch (dunedaq::iomanager::ReceiveCallbackConflict&) {
    // This is expected

When to use "try_" methods

The standard send() and receive() methods will throw an ERS exception if they time out. This is ideal for cases where timeouts are an exceptional condition (this applies to most, if not all send calls, for example). In cases where the timeout condition can be safely ignored (such as the callback-driving methods which are retrying the receive in a tight loop), the try_send and try_receive methods may be used. Note that these methods are not noexcept, any non-timeout issues will result in an ERS exception.

Updating existing code to use IOManager

Please see this page for information about updating your code to use IOManager. Also, if you are interested in using dynamic connection names, look at this page

APIs used by IOManager

The API used for queues is documented here. Network connections use IPM and NetworkManager