#Test TinCan LRS Application
To test LRS just launch ./build/tincan_test/index.html
##How To Use It?
- Setup LRS: Specify your LRS and add in to lrs list to work with it
- TEST PUT STATEMENT: create your own statement from dropdown menus and try to send it.
- TEST POST STATEMENTS: create random statements and add them to statement list. And again - try to send it
- TEST STATE: try to send predefined object as state and retrieve it later on.
If LRS works well you will see it's endpoint in successed block. Otherwise, if LRS doesn't do what you want - it will appear in errors block.
There are two LRS preconfigured - a valid scorm-cloud account and local webtutor server. Obviously webtutor server won't work from external web, so it's ok.
Feel free to use your favorite browser developer tools to get addition information about data transfering.
##Install & Contribute
you need to node.js 0.12.x to be installed https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v0.12.x/ you may need to have ruby installed http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
- clone this repo
- npm install
- bower install
- gulp do --id 0