This is a Gson wrapper using Typesafe Config for supporting HOCON files. JHocon overrides Gson' JsonWriter and JsonReader and a gives full compatibility with Gson. JHocon providing simple helper functions to convert between Hocon and Java Objects. Also, supported all Gson' TypeAdapters, TypeAdapterFactories and annotations.
For example, we have some simple class.
public final class Person {
public String name;
public int age;
public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;
JHocon jhocon = new JHoconBuilder().create();
Person person = new Person("foo", 20);
// Convert non-generic object to HOCON-string representation
String hocon = jhocon.toHocon("person", person);
// Create non-generic object from HOCON-string representation
Person personNew = jhocon.fromHocon(hocon, "person", Person.class);
Output hocon string:
person {
JHocon jhocon = new JHoconBuilder().create();
List<Person> family = new ArrayList<>();
family.add(new Person("foo", 20));
family.add(new Person("bar", 25));
// Convert generic object to HOCON-string representation.
String hocon = jhocon.toHocon("family", family);
// Create generic object from HOCON-string representation
Type type = new TypeToken<List<Person>>() {}.getType();
List<Person> familyNew = jhocon.fromHocon(hocon, "family", type);
Output hocon string:
Add special annotations above the class fields. And enable comments and default validators
in JHoconBuilder
. Also, you can register custom field handlers and field annotations.
You can see more in tests.
@Comment("person name")
@ValidatorStringList(value = {"reserved"}, invert = true)
public String name;
@ValidatorRange(min = 0, max = 150)
public int age;
// ...
new JHoconBuilder().withComments().registerDefaultValidators().create();
person {
# default value: 20
# valid range: [0, 150]
# person name
# valid values: not [reserved]