- Motor control - natural mapped buttons provide tactile interface to the motors
- Preview feed - see where you are on the sample
- Timed image capture - for longer experiments
Current version: 1.03
Documentation in progress. Camera timer appears to be working well but the camera itself struggles with smaller intervals between pictures (approx. 1/2 seconds) for a long period of time (approx. 30 seconds). Taking less pictures at this short interval, or using a longer interval are two possible ways of overcoming this issue.
- Raspberry Pi 3B or 3B+ with the latest version of Raspbian Stretch installed
- PiCamera v2
- DaisyDriver
- Open terminal window and navigate to the directory you want to install DaisyGUI
- Enter the command
git clone https://github.com/OpenDaisy-Microscopy/DaisyGUI.git
- Once this has finished, navigate into the DaisyGUI folder using
cd DaisyGUI
- Then run the install script to ensure all required dependencies are installed
bash install.sh
- Now, to open DaisyGUI use the command
python3 DaisyGUI.py
- When opening DaisyGUI subsequently, you will need to navigate to this directory again and run the command in step 5.
- Add capability to split jpg and raw Bayer data immediately after capture
- Improve error handling
- Add support for multiple cameras
- Refactor code for clarity and readability
- Test time for longer periods (weeks)
- Write camera test on load up which uses raspistill to take (and then deletes) a test picture
- Investigate use of video port for long sequences of shorter gap image captures
- Investigate a more robust way of determining serial port (currently just hard-coded)
Feel free to open an issue or send a pull request.