y86vm is a simple Y86 virtual machine/simulator designed to run programs written in the Y86 ISA.
Simply cd y86vm
and make
to build for Linux. For OSX, an XCode Project is provided.
Full instructions can be accessed with the -h/--help
flag from the command line. As of the latest revision, they are such:
y86vm v0.1
A bare-bones Y86 virtual machine/emulator.
Usage: ./y86vm [-h|--help] [-V|--version] [-v|--verbose] [-l|--limit [n]] inputfile
Show this screen and exit.
Print version information and exit.
Print every step.
-f/--format (a|b)
Set input format. (a)scii, or raw (b)ytes. Default ASCII.
-l/--limit n
Maximum numner of steps (debugging tool to pause execution at
n steps). Unlimited when argument is unspecified, 1024 when argument is bare.
Sample program (sample47
), in source (.ys
) and assembled (bytes .ybo
, ASCII encoded bytes .yao
) is provided.
An example invocation:
./y86vm -f ascii -v --limit 1024 sample47.yao
Or for bytes:
./y86vm -f bytes --limit sample47.ybo
Email dakota(a)hackthetruth.org or create a new Github Issue with any questions.