This librarry allows to decode the iBus protocol for the ESP8266
Default library supported cannels is 10.
Open the example from your arduino enviroment after you have copied this library into your arduino library folder There are two example sketch that show most of the functions that this library can offer.
What has this library more than the one that was forked from? First of all: This library is specifically designed to work with the ESP8266 Second: Channel size is easely changeble by calling a function Third: You can set a global offset and a switch offset, see the iBus example Fourth: You can set a RSSI channel and get it as a value from 0 to 100, even as int or string and finally: You can know when the receiver is connected and receiveing data, you can use that to manage the failsafe, for example
Why I did this library? I'm going to use this library for a future project that involves the ESP8266