#Anagram Hero
The goal is to implement a small word puzzle game that presents the user with a mangled word and asks her to enter the correct, unmangled word. If the word to unmangle is pizza the application may present the word as zpaiz and the user must then enter P I Z Z A in this order for the solution to be accepted.
Anagram Hero in action - Caution, the following gif is 10 frames per seconds, the real UX is little bit different.
Required tools NodeJS ExpressJS MongoDB Bower
The Server will provide :
List of possible words:
The list of words contains - The real word, the Anagram, the best score possible for this words
List of last games and highscore
Authentication (whitout password) - using username
To save highscores and list them
npm install
You maybe will need to set the data path as following
mongod --dbpath /Applications/MAMP/db/mongodb/data/
Run the app's seeder with the following command:
node seed.js
Run the app with the following command:
node app.js
Then, load http://localhost:3000 in a browser to see the output.
Install the Supervisor package as global
npm install supervisor -g
Run the app with the following command:
supervisor app.js
# get list all accounts
curl localhost:3000/users/list
# add account into db
curl -X POST --data "name=sudei" http://localhost:3000/users
# delete account into db
curl -X DELETE --data "name=sudei" http://localhost:3000/users
# get or add account into db
curl localhost:3000/users/sudei
# update highscore of given user
curl -X PUT --data "highscore=22" http://localhost:3000/users/highscore/sudei
# list words
curl localhost:3000/words
# get random word
curl localhost:3000/words/random
bower install
- Installing GulpJS
npm install gulp --save-dev
npm install gulp-sass --save-dev
gulp sass
npm install -g mocha
By default mocha will run everything in /test
mocha server/test