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Clustering nhl teams on their similarities using k-means clustering

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NHL Team Clustering

Idea is to use data from 2023-2024 seasons statistics and group teams into clustering based on their similarities. After clustering we can find the teams you might enjoy the most. For example if you like to see goals then teams for you would be from the cluster which has highest average goals per game.


Data is from NHL offical website. Data has statistics on the games played and goals for and against.


Team Season GP W L T OT P P% RW ROW S/O Win GF GA GF/GP GA/GP PP% PK% Net PP% Net PK% Shots/GP SA/GP FOW%
0 Vancouver Canucks 20232024 35 23 9 -- 3 49 0.7 22 23 0 135 88 3.86 2.51 24.2 77.8 24.2 81.5 28 30 50.7
1 New York Rangers 20232024 32 23 8 -- 1 47 0.734 18 22 1 107 88 3.34 2.75 31.1 85.7 27.2 87.8 30.9 29.7 54.8
2 Vegas Golden Knights 20232024 35 21 9 -- 5 47 0.671 15 17 4 118 95 3.37 2.71 22.5 81 21.7 85.7 32.3 30.1 49.6
3 Colorado Avalanche 20232024 34 21 11 -- 2 44 0.647 20 20 1 124 103 3.65 3.03 23.6 83.3 19.7 87.5 32.2 29.4 49.2
4 Dallas Stars 20232024 32 20 8 -- 4 44 0.688 14 18 2 112 99 3.5 3.09 22.1 86.4 19 93.2 29.8 30.7 53.5
5 Boston Bruins 20232024 32 19 7 -- 6 44 0.688 15 17 2 98 85 3.06 2.66 24.5 85.8 22.5 85.8 31 32.3 50.3
6 Winnipeg Jets 20232024 32 20 9 -- 3 43 0.672 18 20 0 109 81 3.41 2.53 18.2 75 16.2 78.1 31.1 28.8 47.3
7 Los Angeles Kings 20232024 30 19 7 -- 4 42 0.7 17 18 1 106 71 3.53 2.37 20 86.6 16.2 92.8 33.9 26.6 50.8
8 New York Islanders 20232024 33 16 8 -- 9 41 0.621 12 15 1 103 105 3.12 3.18 24.7 71 23.7 79 30.1 35.7 50.7
9 Florida Panthers 20232024 33 19 12 -- 2 40 0.606 17 19 0 96 86 2.91 2.61 18.9 82.9 14.2 83.8 34.3 27.1 50.3
10 Philadelphia Flyers 20232024 33 18 11 -- 4 40 0.606 12 15 3 98 91 2.97 2.76 10.6 85.7 8.7 92.4 32.9 28.6 46.9
11 Toronto Maple Leafs 20232024 31 17 8 -- 6 40 0.645 10 13 4 111 104 3.58 3.35 26.4 79.2 22 83.3 32.6 32.5 53.2
12 Tampa Bay Lightning 20232024 35 17 13 -- 5 39 0.557 14 16 1 117 120 3.34 3.43 30.4 79.6 28.6 79.6 30.4 31.1 52
13 Washington Capitals 20232024 31 17 9 -- 5 39 0.629 11 14 3 74 83 2.39 2.68 12.4 82.7 11.2 84.7 28.1 30.7 47.3
14 Nashville Predators 20232024 34 19 15 -- 0 38 0.559 14 18 1 106 104 3.12 3.06 20.5 77.3 18 80.9 29.8 31 49.2
15 Carolina Hurricanes 20232024 34 17 13 -- 4 38 0.559 13 16 1 110 108 3.24 3.18 24.4 82.7 18.3 88.2 33.9 25.6 51.2
16 New Jersey Devils 20232024 32 17 13 -- 2 36 0.563 14 17 0 109 114 3.41 3.56 30 77.7 27 79.6 31.7 29.3 53.4
17 Arizona Coyotes 20232024 33 17 14 -- 2 36 0.545 14 15 2 101 95 3.06 2.88 23.2 80.2 18.8 82.2 27.1 31.3 47.5
18 Detroit Red Wings 20232024 34 16 14 -- 4 36 0.529 13 15 1 120 113 3.53 3.32 21.6 79.5 18 82.8 30.1 32.2 48.8
19 St. Louis Blues 20232024 33 17 15 -- 1 35 0.53 14 16 1 99 110 3 3.33 11.6 78.9 7.4 87.8 30.7 32 49.5
20 Montréal Canadiens 20232024 33 15 13 -- 5 35 0.53 7 12 3 92 109 2.79 3.3 17.7 73 12.6 75.7 29.3 33.6 53.9
21 Pittsburgh Penguins 20232024 32 15 13 -- 4 34 0.531 12 13 2 91 89 2.84 2.78 13.7 82.7 9.8 84.6 32.9 30.9 54.7
22 Minnesota Wild 20232024 32 15 13 -- 4 34 0.531 10 12 3 97 101 3.03 3.16 18.2 72.2 13.6 73.9 30.2 30.3 45.3
23 Calgary Flames 20232024 34 14 15 -- 5 33 0.485 11 14 0 102 111 3 3.26 11.8 83.3 8.2 91.7 31.6 29.8 50.4
24 Seattle Kraken 20232024 35 12 14 -- 9 33 0.471 9 11 1 94 108 2.69 3.09 20.8 79.2 17 81.2 29.9 29.2 48.9
25 Buffalo Sabres 20232024 35 14 17 -- 4 32 0.457 13 14 0 106 120 3.03 3.43 14.1 80.2 8.1 82.9 30.2 29.8 45.9
26 Edmonton Oilers 20232024 31 15 15 -- 1 31 0.5 13 14 1 107 106 3.45 3.42 26.2 78 22.3 81.7 34.2 28.4 51.8
27 Columbus Blue Jackets 20232024 35 11 18 -- 6 28 0.4 9 11 0 108 127 3.09 3.63 15.3 81.4 12.2 81.4 29.8 34.2 47.6
28 Ottawa Senators 20232024 29 12 17 -- 0 24 0.414 9 11 1 99 103 3.41 3.55 17.7 71.3 14.3 72.3 32.5 30.7 50.6
29 Anaheim Ducks 20232024 33 12 21 -- 0 24 0.364 8 11 1 85 111 2.58 3.36 21.7 79.9 20.8 82.6 29.3 31.8 48.5
30 Chicago Blackhawks 20232024 33 10 22 -- 1 21 0.318 8 10 0 80 122 2.42 3.7 12.5 74.3 7.7 76.2 26.7 32.7 45.7
31 San Jose Sharks 20232024 34 9 22 -- 3 21 0.309 7 9 0 73 137 2.15 4.03 20.2 72.9 14.6 74.6 25.7 35.6 50.7


Preprocessing for the data was to remove unnecessary variables and set Team as index. These were

  1. Season
  2. GP
  3. W
  4. L
  5. T
  6. OT
  7. P
  8. RW
  9. ROW Since they carry no information on how the team plays. For example GP (Games played) only tells about the schedule of that team.

Data after variable elimination

Team P% GF/GP GA/GP PP% PK% Net PP% Net PK% Shots/GP SA/GP FOW%
Vancouver Canucks 0.7 3.86 2.51 24.2 77.8 24.2 81.5 28 30 50.7
New York Rangers 0.734 3.34 2.75 31.1 85.7 27.2 87.8 30.9 29.7 54.8
Vegas Golden Knights 0.671 3.37 2.71 22.5 81 21.7 85.7 32.3 30.1 49.6
Colorado Avalanche 0.647 3.65 3.03 23.6 83.3 19.7 87.5 32.2 29.4 49.2
Dallas Stars 0.688 3.5 3.09 22.1 86.4 19 93.2 29.8 30.7 53.5
Boston Bruins 0.688 3.06 2.66 24.5 85.8 22.5 85.8 31 32.3 50.3
Winnipeg Jets 0.672 3.41 2.53 18.2 75 16.2 78.1 31.1 28.8 47.3
Los Angeles Kings 0.7 3.53 2.37 20 86.6 16.2 92.8 33.9 26.6 50.8
New York Islanders 0.621 3.12 3.18 24.7 71 23.7 79 30.1 35.7 50.7
Florida Panthers 0.606 2.91 2.61 18.9 82.9 14.2 83.8 34.3 27.1 50.3
Philadelphia Flyers 0.606 2.97 2.76 10.6 85.7 8.7 92.4 32.9 28.6 46.9
Toronto Maple Leafs 0.645 3.58 3.35 26.4 79.2 22 83.3 32.6 32.5 53.2
Tampa Bay Lightning 0.557 3.34 3.43 30.4 79.6 28.6 79.6 30.4 31.1 52
Washington Capitals 0.629 2.39 2.68 12.4 82.7 11.2 84.7 28.1 30.7 47.3
Nashville Predators 0.559 3.12 3.06 20.5 77.3 18 80.9 29.8 31 49.2
Carolina Hurricanes 0.559 3.24 3.18 24.4 82.7 18.3 88.2 33.9 25.6 51.2
New Jersey Devils 0.563 3.41 3.56 30 77.7 27 79.6 31.7 29.3 53.4
Arizona Coyotes 0.545 3.06 2.88 23.2 80.2 18.8 82.2 27.1 31.3 47.5
Detroit Red Wings 0.529 3.53 3.32 21.6 79.5 18 82.8 30.1 32.2 48.8
St. Louis Blues 0.53 3 3.33 11.6 78.9 7.4 87.8 30.7 32 49.5
Montréal Canadiens 0.53 2.79 3.3 17.7 73 12.6 75.7 29.3 33.6 53.9
Pittsburgh Penguins 0.531 2.84 2.78 13.7 82.7 9.8 84.6 32.9 30.9 54.7
Minnesota Wild 0.531 3.03 3.16 18.2 72.2 13.6 73.9 30.2 30.3 45.3
Calgary Flames 0.485 3 3.26 11.8 83.3 8.2 91.7 31.6 29.8 50.4
Seattle Kraken 0.471 2.69 3.09 20.8 79.2 17 81.2 29.9 29.2 48.9
Buffalo Sabres 0.457 3.03 3.43 14.1 80.2 8.1 82.9 30.2 29.8 45.9
Edmonton Oilers 0.5 3.45 3.42 26.2 78 22.3 81.7 34.2 28.4 51.8
Columbus Blue Jackets 0.4 3.09 3.63 15.3 81.4 12.2 81.4 29.8 34.2 47.6
Ottawa Senators 0.414 3.41 3.55 17.7 71.3 14.3 72.3 32.5 30.7 50.6
Anaheim Ducks 0.364 2.58 3.36 21.7 79.9 20.8 82.6 29.3 31.8 48.5
Chicago Blackhawks 0.318 2.42 3.7 12.5 74.3 7.7 76.2 26.7 32.7 45.7
San Jose Sharks 0.309 2.15 4.03 20.2 72.9 14.6 74.6 25.7 35.6 50.7


Clustering method was chosen to be K-means since it's a highly flexible and fast clustering method.

Selection of K

Selection of K was done by plotting inertia for different k-values and finding an "elbow" which means that higher values of k do not bring significantly more information.

Inertia to value of K

From the plot value of k was chosen to be 4. K=4

K-means with K=4

K-means clustering was done using sklearn library with k of 4 and initial value of 10. Results for the cluster were added to the dataframe

Data with clusters\

Team Cluster P% GF/GP GA/GP PP% PK% Net PP% Net PK% Shots/GP SA/GP FOW%
Vancouver Canucks 1 0.7 3.86 2.51 24.2 77.8 24.2 81.5 28 30 50.7
New York Rangers 1 0.734 3.34 2.75 31.1 85.7 27.2 87.8 30.9 29.7 54.8
Vegas Golden Knights 0 0.671 3.37 2.71 22.5 81 21.7 85.7 32.3 30.1 49.6
Colorado Avalanche 0 0.647 3.65 3.03 23.6 83.3 19.7 87.5 32.2 29.4 49.2
Dallas Stars 0 0.688 3.5 3.09 22.1 86.4 19 93.2 29.8 30.7 53.5
Boston Bruins 0 0.688 3.06 2.66 24.5 85.8 22.5 85.8 31 32.3 50.3
Winnipeg Jets 2 0.672 3.41 2.53 18.2 75 16.2 78.1 31.1 28.8 47.3
Los Angeles Kings 0 0.7 3.53 2.37 20 86.6 16.2 92.8 33.9 26.6 50.8
New York Islanders 1 0.621 3.12 3.18 24.7 71 23.7 79 30.1 35.7 50.7
Florida Panthers 0 0.606 2.91 2.61 18.9 82.9 14.2 83.8 34.3 27.1 50.3
Philadelphia Flyers 3 0.606 2.97 2.76 10.6 85.7 8.7 92.4 32.9 28.6 46.9
Toronto Maple Leafs 1 0.645 3.58 3.35 26.4 79.2 22 83.3 32.6 32.5 53.2
Tampa Bay Lightning 1 0.557 3.34 3.43 30.4 79.6 28.6 79.6 30.4 31.1 52
Washington Capitals 3 0.629 2.39 2.68 12.4 82.7 11.2 84.7 28.1 30.7 47.3
Nashville Predators 0 0.559 3.12 3.06 20.5 77.3 18 80.9 29.8 31 49.2
Carolina Hurricanes 0 0.559 3.24 3.18 24.4 82.7 18.3 88.2 33.9 25.6 51.2
New Jersey Devils 1 0.563 3.41 3.56 30 77.7 27 79.6 31.7 29.3 53.4
Arizona Coyotes 0 0.545 3.06 2.88 23.2 80.2 18.8 82.2 27.1 31.3 47.5
Detroit Red Wings 0 0.529 3.53 3.32 21.6 79.5 18 82.8 30.1 32.2 48.8
St. Louis Blues 3 0.53 3 3.33 11.6 78.9 7.4 87.8 30.7 32 49.5
Montréal Canadiens 2 0.53 2.79 3.3 17.7 73 12.6 75.7 29.3 33.6 53.9
Pittsburgh Penguins 3 0.531 2.84 2.78 13.7 82.7 9.8 84.6 32.9 30.9 54.7
Minnesota Wild 2 0.531 3.03 3.16 18.2 72.2 13.6 73.9 30.2 30.3 45.3
Calgary Flames 3 0.485 3 3.26 11.8 83.3 8.2 91.7 31.6 29.8 50.4
Seattle Kraken 0 0.471 2.69 3.09 20.8 79.2 17 81.2 29.9 29.2 48.9
Buffalo Sabres 3 0.457 3.03 3.43 14.1 80.2 8.1 82.9 30.2 29.8 45.9
Edmonton Oilers 1 0.5 3.45 3.42 26.2 78 22.3 81.7 34.2 28.4 51.8
Columbus Blue Jackets 3 0.4 3.09 3.63 15.3 81.4 12.2 81.4 29.8 34.2 47.6
Ottawa Senators 2 0.414 3.41 3.55 17.7 71.3 14.3 72.3 32.5 30.7 50.6
Anaheim Ducks 0 0.364 2.58 3.36 21.7 79.9 20.8 82.6 29.3 31.8 48.5
Chicago Blackhawks 2 0.318 2.42 3.7 12.5 74.3 7.7 76.2 26.7 32.7 45.7
San Jose Sharks 2 0.309 2.15 4.03 20.2 72.9 14.6 74.6 25.7 35.6 50.7

To make understanding of the clusters they were plotted to teams rank in the standings.

Cluster on the team rank

From the plot above it can be seen that in cluster 0 and 3 teams are from very similar rankings. Where as clusters 1 and 2 are more evenly spread around the rankings.

Finding the most similar team using NearestNeighbor search

Idea was to find for each team a team that is most similar to them. This could be helpful if a customer likes to watch Minnesota Wild but they are not playing today so the most similar team could be suggested instead.

NearestNeigbor was found by using sklearns NearestNeigbors functions using number of neighbors of 2 to find itself and the closest one. Algorithm for the search was set to "auto" and distance used was eucledian distance.

These closest teams and the distance to them were added to the data.

Data with closest team and distance\

Team Cluster Closest team Closest Distance P% GF/GP GA/GP PP% PK% Net PP% Net PK% Shots/GP SA/GP FOW%
Vancouver Canucks 1 Anaheim Ducks 6.05589 0.7 3.86 2.51 24.2 77.8 24.2 81.5 28 30 50.7
New York Rangers 1 Boston Bruins 9.8878 0.734 3.34 2.75 31.1 85.7 27.2 87.8 30.9 29.7 54.8
Vegas Golden Knights 0 Colorado Avalanche 3.81856 0.671 3.37 2.71 22.5 81 21.7 85.7 32.3 30.1 49.6
Colorado Avalanche 0 Vegas Golden Knights 3.81856 0.647 3.65 3.03 23.6 83.3 19.7 87.5 32.2 29.4 49.2
Dallas Stars 0 Los Angeles Kings 7.34026 0.688 3.5 3.09 22.1 86.4 19 93.2 29.8 30.7 53.5
Boston Bruins 0 Colorado Avalanche 5.41633 0.688 3.06 2.66 24.5 85.8 22.5 85.8 31 32.3 50.3
Winnipeg Jets 2 Nashville Predators 6.0148 0.672 3.41 2.53 18.2 75 16.2 78.1 31.1 28.8 47.3
Los Angeles Kings 0 Dallas Stars 7.34026 0.7 3.53 2.37 20 86.6 16.2 92.8 33.9 26.6 50.8
New York Islanders 1 Vancouver Canucks 9.53377 0.621 3.12 3.18 24.7 71 23.7 79 30.1 35.7 50.7
Florida Panthers 0 Seattle Kraken 7.61098 0.606 2.91 2.61 18.9 82.9 14.2 83.8 34.3 27.1 50.3
Philadelphia Flyers 3 Calgary Flames 4.85649 0.606 2.97 2.76 10.6 85.7 8.7 92.4 32.9 28.6 46.9
Toronto Maple Leafs 1 Edmonton Oilers 5.05003 0.645 3.58 3.35 26.4 79.2 22 83.3 32.6 32.5 53.2
Tampa Bay Lightning 1 New Jersey Devils 3.63893 0.557 3.34 3.43 30.4 79.6 28.6 79.6 30.4 31.1 52
Washington Capitals 3 Buffalo Sabres 5.49288 0.629 2.39 2.68 12.4 82.7 11.2 84.7 28.1 30.7 47.3
Nashville Predators 0 Seattle Kraken 2.88506 0.559 3.12 3.06 20.5 77.3 18 80.9 29.8 31 49.2
Carolina Hurricanes 0 Colorado Avalanche 4.99783 0.559 3.24 3.18 24.4 82.7 18.3 88.2 33.9 25.6 51.2
New Jersey Devils 1 Tampa Bay Lightning 3.63893 0.563 3.41 3.56 30 77.7 27 79.6 31.7 29.3 53.4
Arizona Coyotes 0 Anaheim Ducks 3.61712 0.545 3.06 2.88 23.2 80.2 18.8 82.2 27.1 31.3 47.5
Detroit Red Wings 0 Anaheim Ducks 3.14187 0.529 3.53 3.32 21.6 79.5 18 82.8 30.1 32.2 48.8
St. Louis Blues 3 Calgary Flames 6.45886 0.53 3 3.33 11.6 78.9 7.4 87.8 30.7 32 49.5
Montréal Canadiens 2 San Jose Sharks 6.29773 0.53 2.79 3.3 17.7 73 12.6 75.7 29.3 33.6 53.9
Pittsburgh Penguins 3 St. Louis Blues 8.26245 0.531 2.84 2.78 13.7 82.7 9.8 84.6 32.9 30.9 54.7
Minnesota Wild 2 Ottawa Senators 6.16118 0.531 3.03 3.16 18.2 72.2 13.6 73.9 30.2 30.3 45.3
Calgary Flames 3 Philadelphia Flyers 4.85649 0.485 3 3.26 11.8 83.3 8.2 91.7 31.6 29.8 50.4
Seattle Kraken 0 Nashville Predators 2.88506 0.471 2.69 3.09 20.8 79.2 17 81.2 29.9 29.2 48.9
Buffalo Sabres 3 Washington Capitals 5.49288 0.457 3.03 3.43 14.1 80.2 8.1 82.9 30.2 29.8 45.9
Edmonton Oilers 1 Toronto Maple Leafs 5.05003 0.5 3.45 3.42 26.2 78 22.3 81.7 34.2 28.4 51.8
Columbus Blue Jackets 3 Washington Capitals 6.21811 0.4 3.09 3.63 15.3 81.4 12.2 81.4 29.8 34.2 47.6
Ottawa Senators 2 Minnesota Wild 6.16118 0.414 3.41 3.55 17.7 71.3 14.3 72.3 32.5 30.7 50.6
Anaheim Ducks 0 Detroit Red Wings 3.14187 0.364 2.58 3.36 21.7 79.9 20.8 82.6 29.3 31.8 48.5
Chicago Blackhawks 2 Minnesota Wild 9.79179 0.318 2.42 3.7 12.5 74.3 7.7 76.2 26.7 32.7 45.7
San Jose Sharks 2 Montréal Canadiens 6.29773 0.309 2.15 4.03 20.2 72.9 14.6 74.6 25.7 35.6 50.7

Finding teams with the highest average goals for and against.

Finding the teams was done by selecting the cluster with the highest total goals (sum of goals for and against). Average goals was calculated using groupBy on cluster and then taking the mean for goals.

Average goals per game

From the plot it is clear that cluster 1 has highest average total goals per game. Teams in that cluster can be seen below.

Team Cluster Closest team Closest Distance P% GF/GP GA/GP PP% PK% Net PP% Net PK% Shots/GP SA/GP FOW%
Vancouver Canucks 1 Anaheim Ducks 6.05589 0.7 3.86 2.51 24.2 77.8 24.2 81.5 28 30 50.7
New York Rangers 1 Boston Bruins 9.8878 0.734 3.34 2.75 31.1 85.7 27.2 87.8 30.9 29.7 54.8
New York Islanders 1 Vancouver Canucks 9.53377 0.621 3.12 3.18 24.7 71 23.7 79 30.1 35.7 50.7
Toronto Maple Leafs 1 Edmonton Oilers 5.05003 0.645 3.58 3.35 26.4 79.2 22 83.3 32.6 32.5 53.2
Tampa Bay Lightning 1 New Jersey Devils 3.63893 0.557 3.34 3.43 30.4 79.6 28.6 79.6 30.4 31.1 52
New Jersey Devils 1 Tampa Bay Lightning 3.63893 0.563 3.41 3.56 30 77.7 27 79.6 31.7 29.3 53.4
Edmonton Oilers 1 Toronto Maple Leafs 5.05003 0.5 3.45 3.42 26.2 78 22.3 81.7 34.2 28.4 51.8


Clustering and search methods and algorithms can be used on various tasks. On this project they were only used for what they are designed to do but during research I found multiple other use cases. For example nearestNeighbor can also be used for classification or to find outliers in data. But overall an positive learning experience from whichs results I will benefit from next time my favourite NHL team doesn't play.


Clustering nhl teams on their similarities using k-means clustering






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