Python 3.5 or higher (tested on Python 3.6).
Specific module and version requirements are listed in requirements.txt. After cloning the repository,
cd to the repo directory, and enter pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Note: You may need to run apt-get install python3-tk
afterwards to have matplotlib work correctly.
File Descriptions:
-> training call logic - the only file that needs to be executed
-> the fully connected and convolutional networks are defined here
-> activation functions
-> custom layer utils, including layer normalization
-> custom cross entropy loss function; generalizes the cross entropy loss to cases where the label is a probability distribution over the targets, rather than a one-hot encoding. needed when training on random inputs
-> plotting utils
-> miscellaneous utils
-> complete list of command-line parsable arguments
-> default config parameters; arguments provided in the command line override the default parameters
-> various wrapper functions to facilitate interfacing with tinydb, without needing knowledge of the package
-> a json file which contains all the config parameters used for the run, and various model performance statistics. this is meant to facilitate tracking & comparison of different experiments, especially when the number of experiments grows very large
-> default fully connected network architecture; see config.json for specification details
-> default convolutional network architecture; see config.json for specification details
To train and validate a fully connected architecture on the MNIST classification task, enter python3
. See for the list of arguments which can be passed in,
including passing the neural network architecture as an argument (by default it is set to a ReLU activated neural network with 2 hidden layers).
To train on random inputs when the entropy of the softmax distribution on random inputs decreases below a threshold, enter python3 --train_random=<x>
, where <x>
is in the range [0, 1].