Atlas generation tool for the font rendering demo.
The algorithm described here.
Mostly for educational purposes since the algorithm is performant enough for generating font atlases at runtime.
-h this help
-o 'filename' output file name (without extension)
-tw 'size' atlas image width in pixels, default 1024
-th 'size' atlas image height in pixels (optional)
-ur 'ranges' unicode ranges 'start1:end1,start:end2,single_codepoint' without spaces,
default: 31:126,0xffff
-bs 'size' SDF distance in pixels, default 16
-rh 'size' row height in pixels (without SDF border), default 96
sdf_atlas -f Roboto-Regular.ttf -o roboto -tw 2048 -th 2048 -bs 22 -rh 70 -ur 31:126,0xA0:0xFF,0x400:0x4FF,0xFFFF```