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Price Dashboard

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This project was originally desinged as an internal tool for a company I was at and for the purpose of setting and reading product's price. Initially, it contains only front-end code since I had collaborated other member in backend team. After I had left the company, I refactored my front-end code and re-built it to a complete full-stack project with container technique. It also has a basic CI pipeline right now.

Set a new promotion and view a particular promotion. preview1

Details price in terms of different user preview2


  • The state is always up-to-date with backend even when create/update/delete operation has been triggered.
  • Allow user to auto sign in if browser has been permitted to store his/her password.
  • Power visual for understanding which promotion is on live and what is next promotion.
  • You can easily calculate a product price for a user who could has any combination of company's early product before.

Web Service Features

Tech perspective:

  • Take advantage of the power of Webpack for packaging web service in dev and prod. environment instead of directly using CRA.
  • Separte layout, route and page as component for more flexibility.
  • Auto sign in with Credential Management API.
  • Separate Redux's mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps from every component in order to make it easy to understand.
  • Implement React's design pattern such as compound, render-props and context api to build reuseable and clear component.
  • Use nginx as static file server in production environment.

User/Promotions/Prices/Upgrade-rules Service Features

Tech perspective:

  • Best practice of Node/Express with ES6 syntax(e.g. self-contained components as file structure).
  • Thanks to Redis, no extra DB query command is executed when post/update/delete router has been called and still can return a full list of promotion.
  • Every route has implemented Redis as cache server to reduce DB's query operation.
  • Use NGINX as a reverse proxy.


This section is necessary no matter which way to start/build this project.

  • Node v10.16
  • npm v6.9

Web Services

# ./services/web/.env

GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<Google OAuth 2 Client Id>

User Services

# ./services/user/.env

# Same as the client id in web service
CLIENT_ID=<Google OAuth 2 Client Id>
CLIENT_SECRET=<Google OAuth 2.0 client Secret>

Prices,Promotions,Upgrade-Rules Services

# ./services/prices/.env
# ./services/promotions/.env
# ./services/upgrade-rules/.env

PORT=5000(promotions) | 5001(prices)| 5002(upgrade-rules)

Start Project by Default Environment Setting

You have two ways to start this project:

# Method 1. In project root (Highly Recommonded)
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up

# Method 2. In project root
See below details

Method 1: docker-compose

This method is easy. Open browser and go to http://localhost:3050. You can see the dashboard.

Method 2: npm script

If you want to do it with purely npm command, there are more additional setup:

  1. Install Redis.
# Use homebrew on MacOSX
brew install redis
  1. Install Dependence of each service
# ./
# ./services/web
# ./services/promotions
# ./services/prices
# ./services/upgrade-rules
# ./services/user

npm i
  1. Start Redis
  1. Start Project
# ./ @project root
npm start
  1. Check result

Open browser and go to http://localhost:8080.

More Slient Start Script

# with JSON Mock server (only get data is available )
npm run start:jsonserver

# with other server on same localhost but port
# Need to start server first
npm run start:dev

Build Project and Run Production version

You also have two ways to run production version:

# Method 1. In project root (Highly Recommonded)
docker-compose -f docker-compose-stage.yml up

# Method 2. In project root
(TODO)See below details

Method 1: docker-compose

This method is easy. Open browser and go to http://localhost:3060. You can see the dashboard.

Method 2: npm script

  1. Run Production Bbuild
# ./ @project root
# Use Babel to complie import syntax to require
npm run build
  1. Run Production Server
# ./ @project root
# Use Babel to complie import syntax to require
npm run prod
  1. Check result

Open browser and go to http://localhost:8080.

More Client Build Script

# ./services/web
# with other localhost API server in different port
npm run build:dev

# stage as API server
npm run build:stage

# production as API server
npm run build:prod



  • Webpack 4 custom scaffold
  • Babel 7
  • React 16 with render props, compound pattern
  • Redux with Module pattern
  • Redux-thunk
  • React-Router 4
  • React Hot loader
  • React-Loadable for async loading page
  • Redux with module pattern
  • (TODO) Server side rendering (SSR)
  • (TODO) Jest+puppeteer for component unit test
  • (TODO) Google Analytics and use Google Optimize
  • Husky+Lint-stage
  • ESlint+Prettier
  • Json-server
  • Sensitive data handler: dotenv
  • Google OAuth 2.0

Promotions, Price, Upgrade-Rules and User

  • Babel node for compiling ES6 syntax
  • Express.js
  • Restful API
  • (TODO) Mocha+Chi for API unit test
  • Mongoose
  • MongoDB Altas
  • Redis for DB caching
  • Sensitive data handler: dotenv
  • API authorization between services


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • Nginx as reverse-proxy
  • Nginx as static file server in production
  • Bash 5 for development
  • Travis plays as CI role
    • Delegate gcloud to handle kubectl command
  • Leverage Terraform to create ECS and EKS.

Cloud - Service Structure on AWS for multi-docker

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EB)
  • AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)
  • (TODO)AWS Elastic Cache (EC) for Caching instead of Redis

Cloud - Service Structure on AWS for Kubernetes

  • (TODO) AWS Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS)


  • origin/initial-version: this is the first version which contains only front-end side code
  • origin/basic: Add client and server to become full-stack project
  • origin/basic-refractor-setpricerule: Checkout from origin/basic and refractor a huge amout of the front-end code that becomes componentization.
  • origin/master: complete full-stack project with dev-ops pipeline.




  1. Check React performance with an idea provided by this article

  2. Implemtn GA and Google Optimizie

  3. Check Node practice to match a Node.js best practice guide

  4. Replace one or several services from Node to Python or GoLang for study purpose.