Movie watchlist app designed to build, save and compare your watchlist with your friends.
Stuck for what to watch? Instantly compare your saved watchlist with the gangs, filtered by the genre, actor etc. that you fancy that night.
- Personal project to help learn Javascript and React.
- Adding features and re-factoring as I learn new skills.
- Only designing it for mobile view atm. Will add responsivness after logic actually works.
- Only basic design while building. Will add flavour when working.
- Future additions
- Arrange movie night with friends through in app event feature
- Browse movies using API data (Currntly using JSON-server to emulate fetch requests)
- Edit profile
- Add/remove friends
- Compare watchlists
- Latest trailers for new films
- Rating and reviews system
- Book tickets through app using friend events
- Run npm start
- CD into data.
- Run npx json-server --watch database.json --port 8000 to start watching the database.json file.
- This is to emulate server requests and store data.