Anpy is a python object oriented library that implements one main Ant Colonization Optimization (ACO) algorithm and 2 variants to solve the 0/1 Knapsack Problem. This approach aims to model the actual behaviour of an Ant Colony through the use of entities such as Ant, Object and Neighborhood.
ACO Algorithms: : Neighborhood is compiled to a new state every time an Ant selects an object. Pheromone update and evaporation mechanisms are applied in order to avoid a rapid convergence to a locally optimal solution. Heuristics as μ are used to get the ratio of object's weights and values. Parameters such as α and β are included when calculating the object's probabilities. The maximum recorded result for Z (Profit) was 1458. Allows ants to select the same object multiple times to his partial solution. Due to object replacement, this particular variant yields the highest Z. The maximum recorded result for Z (Profit) was 1485. Allows ants to select an object once to his partial solution due to non-replaceable objects. The maximum recorded result for Z (Profit) was 1458.
It should be mentioned that both and doesn't follow the pheromone principles as usual, because the object's probabilities are static, and just get calculated once in all their execution.
For that reason, the main version of the algoritm, is a better option that doesn't rely heavily on the selections randomness due to their pheromone adjustments.
Main ACO algorithm was based of this article: Schiff, K. (2013) Ant Colony Optimization for the 0-1 Knapsack Problem .
You can download the PDF here
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