This is my take on a lua port of srcery-vim. Keep in mind this is an opinionated rendition of srcery, so it might change whenever my preferences change, but you can override any highlights, so theoretically that shouldn't be a problem.
- Extensible.
- Integrations with a bunch of plugins (you're welcome to PR more):
Use whatever plugin manager you like, here are some examples:
Plug 'DanisDGK/srcery.nvim'
Plugin 'DanisDGK/srcery.nvim'
The defaults are minimal, so you'll probably want to enable some extras. For reference, these are the defaults:
transparent_background = false,
term_colors = true,
styles = {
comments = "italic",
functions = "italic",
keywords = "italic",
strings = "NONE",
variables = "NONE",
integrations = {
gitgutter = false,
gitsigns = false,
indent_blankline = {
enabled = false,
colored_indent_levels = false,
lsp_saga = false,
lsp_trouble = false,
native_lsp = {
enabled = true,
virtual_text = {
errors = "italic",
hints = "italic",
warnings = "italic",
information = "italic",
underlines = {
errors = "underline",
hints = "underline",
warnings = "underline",
information = "underline",
neogit = false,
notify = false,
telescope = false,
treesitter = true,
ts_rainbow = false,
which_key = false,
The way to change the settings varies based on whether you're using Vimscript or Lua in your configuration.
lua << EOF
After you've changed the settings to your liking, you can load the colorscheme like so:
vim.cmd[[colorscheme srcery]]
colorscheme srcery
Although the settings should be mostly self-explanatory, here is exactly what they do.
Settings that don't fit in the other groups.
: (Boolean) if true, disables the background.term_colors
: (Boolean) if true, sets terminal colors (:h terminal-config
Handles the styles of general highlight groups (:h highlight-args
: (String) changes the style of comments.functions
: (String) changes the style of functions.keywords
: (String) changes the style of keywords.strings
: (String) changes the style of strings.variables
: (String) changes the style of variables.
The integrations change the highlight groups (read: theme) of the plugin/feature. To enable one, simply set it to true
: (Boolean) sets the regular indent character color.colored_indent_levels
: (Boolean) sets indent character colors per indent level. Follow the instructions here to enable them in the plugin.
: (Boolean) sets the LSP diagnostic colors.virtual_text/underlines
: (String) changes the style of errors.hints
: (String) changes the style of hints.warnings
: (String) changes the style of warnings.information
: (String) changes the style of info.
changes the style of the diagnostic text
changes the style of the text producing the error
There are also some which are not enabled by changing srcery.nvim
require("lualine").setup {
options = {
theme = "srcery"
The API allows you to fetch the color palette from srcery.nvim. It can be required as such.
local colors = require("srcery.api.colors").get_colors()
Returns a table of colors, where the key is the name and the value is the color's hex value.
You can overwrite highlight groups like so:
srcery.remap({ <hi_group> = { <fields> }, })
local colors = require("srcery.api.colors").get_colors() -- fetch color palette
srcery.remap({ Comment = { fg = }, })
Use them to execute code at certain events. These are the available ones:
Function | Description |
before_loading() |
Executed before loading the colorscheme |
after_loading() |
Executed after loading the colorscheme |
local srcery = require("srcery")
srcery.before_loading = function()
print("Hello from before srcery")
- Pocco81 for their Catppuccin colorscheme which I shamelessly stole the structure from
- Srcery for the color palette