Highly motivated and ambitious, always eager to learn and grow. With a disciplined approach to work and a strong ability to collaborate effectively with others, I am committed to achieving precise, high-quality results in everything I do.
My expertise in JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 is well-honed, and I have some experience working with popular frameworks such as React, Redux, Angular, and NODE.JS. Additionally, I am highly competent in using graphic editors like Canva and Figma, which allows me to design visually appealing and engaging user interfaces.
Overall, I am a skilled and enthusiastic web developer who is committed to delivering exceptional work while communicating effectively with others and taking full responsibility for my work.
- 🌱 I’m currently looking for my first job opportunity
- 📚 Daily learn Front-end and Back-end sides of a websites.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on my personal project.
- 💡 I like to explore new technologies and develop software solutions.
- ⚡ Fun fact: 나는 K-드라마 중독이 있어요!