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Mohammad Daraghmeh edited this page Nov 18, 2015 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the MusicShare wiki!

This wiki will provide all the needed information to started in using MusicShare. Please note, MusicShare currently supports the following techonolgies:

  • Bose SoundTouch Enabled Devices, such as the SoundTouch® 10,20,30 wireless music system series and etc.
  • Sound Media Content: Deezer and Spotify at the moment.

###Technology Used:

  1. Bose SoundTouch API - API used for controlling Bose Wi-Fi/SoundTouch enabled devices

  2. Music Content Providers • Spotfiy APIDeezer APIMusixMatch API

  3. NGROK - Software used to tunnel Bose speaker's personal localhost to a public IP

  4. Flask - A microframework for Python used as our server side "Command Center" to routing and managing sms commands.

  5. Twilio - API SMS service used to send text messages to our Python server

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