Linked list which has many modifications Personally preffered the Linus Trovaldos Approach(Mind the spelling).
- This repositry can be used in as a template for competitive coders.
- And many numerous problems which use DSA and may need a linked list.
- The use of this repositry can be done while creating kernel process.
- For any new OS maker.
- Works on Strings
- This code I created 3 years ago
- This hash table is based on collision controllers
- If collision occurs it adds to the next element in linked list
- So both deletion and search are adjusted accordingly
- It use strings(character array) by hashing them by thier int conversions
- We can expand the hash table by changing the
in the code
- This code is for Linked List, which has well laid out menu of the terms.
- A code I wrote way back to Test my skills
- Templates are the raw structure which supports multi type codes and reduces code rewriting for different type.
- C++ templates help the programmer to reuse his pre-written code in for applications that require them.
- Stack is required for many things.
- Queue is also implemented in as template to aid the development of further applications.