A Repository For Publicly Cataloging Dash (cryptocurrency) in the Financial Media.
If you find links for Dash related content in the financial mainstream media (ie. not Dash funded orgs) you can create a pull request with a similar format/tags as ive already done.
For the last 5 years data and information on Dash has been hard to find. This is an attempt to collect as much of the public Dash media information as it (Dash) becomes more widely known in the main stream financial circles due to its unique financial, social and technological feature set.
Data collected in a repository format can be used to automate alot of information analysis going forward
If you find this repo useful feel free to fork and add to it or create a branch and create a pull request.
- Programmatically Analyse which financial or public personality was first in recognizing Dash's unique feature set in relation to world geopolitical events. The need for Digital Cash.