A MongoDB / Node.js / Express.js Library management web app.
General App Idea/Purpose
Track media assets owned and location of said assets
Models including field names and their datatypes
- username - string, unique, required
- password - string, required
- admin - boolean (false(normal user), or true(admin user access)) required(default - false)
- upc - string, unique
- title - string
- creator_name - string
- creator_type - string (artist, director, author, etc.)
- cover - string (link to image)
- cover_alt - string
- format - string (book, mag, cd , mp3, dvd, etc.)
- location - string (room, shelf, directory, etc.)
- tags - array of string (genre, etc.)
- desc - string (summary or description)
A list of routes (e.g.
POST /pins/ allows users to post a picture of a pin
GET / display landing page
GET /user/register allow user to create an account POST /user/register allow user to create an account GET /user/edit allow user to change the password POST /user/edit allow user to change the password GET /user/signin display form for user to sign in POST /user/signin sign user into the app GET /user/signout allow user to sign out of app
GET INDEX /media/ index of media entries filtered by media type selected from dropdown GET NEW /media/new display form to add new media to library GET SHOW /media/:id display info of one media document GET EDIT /media/:id/edit display form prepopulated with data to edit a document POST CREATE /media/ create a new document in the media collection DELETE DESTROY /media/:id delete document with _id: id from collection PUT UPDATE /media/:id update document with new values from the edit form
User stories detailing app functionality
As a Normal User I want to be able to create a user account.
As a Normal User I want to be able to edit my account / change password.
As a Normal User I want to be able to browse the titles currently entered into my library database.
As a Normal User I want to be able to add titles into my library database.
As a Normal User I want to be able to edit the titles currently entered in my library database.
As a Normal User I want to be able to delete titles from my database.
As an Admin User I want to be able to browse the titles currently entered into the database for all users.
As an Admin User I want to be unable to add titles into the database.
As an Admin User I want to be able to edit and delete titles currently entered into the database for all users.
- All Normal User type User Stories
- All Admin user type stories
- look up title info from an online api based on the upc code entered or scanned into the page.