Simple Project to learn and study Morse Code that turns strings into dash and point string as a morse code
The idea is to have a project tha can be used to convert simple text into morse code (dashes ans points)
also converto from morse to simple text, it is good to avoid using special chars because it may cause loss of some data
Procedure signs or prosigns are shorthand signals used in radio telegraphy procedures, for the purpose of simplifying and
They are distinct from general Morse code abbreviations, which consist mainly of brevity codes that convey messages to other parties with greater speed and accuracy.
{"<AA>","·-·-"}, -- UNKNOWN STATION
{"<AR>","·-·-·"}, -- OUT
{"<AS>","·-···"}, -- WAIT
{"<BT>","-···-"}, -- BREAK
{"<CT>","-·-·-"}, -- Start of transmission[4] Start of new message.[1]
{"<HH>","........"}, -- Error / correction[4][1]
{"<K>","-·-"}, -- Invitation for any station to transmit[4][1]
{"<KN>","-·--·"}, -- Invitation for named station to transmit[1]
{"<NJ>","-··---"}, -- Shift to Wabun code (
{"<SK>","···-·-"}, -- End of contact[1] / End of work[4]
{"<SN>","···-·"}, -- Understood.[1] Verified.[4]
{"<SOS>","···---···"}, -- Start of distress signal[4][1]
{"<BK>","-··· -·-"}, -- Break in conversation[1]
{"<CL>","-·-· ·-··"}, -- Closing down[1]