For this assingnment I used HTML and CSS that were given to me as a template, and I used the skills in my class to use JavaScript to create a randomly generated Password Generator.
Below are some of the criteria and requirements for the responsive site that I made.
- I used Java Script to create a program that randomly selects a password for you. It prompts you to use select some of the critiria that you would like to be randomized in your password.
As a user they need a new, secure password
Clicking the button will generate a password
After clicking the user is presented with a series of prompts for password criteria
After the user selects which criteria to include in the password they are promted to choice between:
- length of the password of at least 8 characters and no more than 128 characters character types to include in the password
- lowercase
- uppercase
- numeric
- special characters
After input the user should have a validated and at least one character type should be selected.
Once all prompts are answered the password is generated and displayed in an alert or written to the page.
Links to Repo and Live Page: