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It is basically a clone of the increasingly defunct app RainToday that I loved dearly for my outdoor activity planning. This app provided minute accurate precipitation predictions and showed you in a super simple user interface if it was going to rain in the next hour.


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Du bist doch nicht aus Zucker!

Doch, doch genau das bin ich

So what does it do?

It is basically a clone of the increasingly defunct app RainToday that I loved dearly for my outdoor activity planning. This app provided minute accurate precipitation predictions and showed you in a super simple user interface if it was going to rain in the next hour.

Why? (tirade)

Since the data was based on the hyperlocal weather app Dark Sky which shut down its android app and API it continues to work less and less even with old archived APKs (it was removed from the store a long time ago).

Apple bought Dark Sky and put up its fence around the Apple™ walled garden.


This is a SvelteKit project with the static adapter @sveltejs/adapter-static and capacitor for it to be exported as a mobile app. The data is provided by OpenWeatherMap via its One Call API which allow you to get minutely weather prediction for the next hour.

Prerequisite for compiling/developing yourself

Copy src/constants.ts.example to src/constants.ts and edit the value of OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY to your own free plan API key.

Web instructions


Once you've installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


To create a production web version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.



idk use dark sky?

JK but I don't own a mac and Apple developer accounts to check this out. But may look at the Capacitor iOS docs and drop a PR.


Once you've installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start the app on your mobile phone which should be connected via ADB.

Then run

npm run build
npx cap sync
npx run android

You can also develop it with hot module reload by editing the capacitor.config.ts and commenting in the server part, editing the IP-Address to the one of your computer and running a svelte Kit dev server with npm run dev.


It is basically a clone of the increasingly defunct app RainToday that I loved dearly for my outdoor activity planning. This app provided minute accurate precipitation predictions and showed you in a super simple user interface if it was going to rain in the next hour.






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