#Using The App
- first you will need to clone the project into a folder of your choice
- cd ReactCalculator
- npm install
- react-native run-ios
- npm start
That should be it! :D
#Play with the App All the code should be in the "src" folder with the following contents
- InputButton.js
- ReactCalculator.js (where all the real action is)
- Style.js (the styling, of course)
feel free to tinker with it and if you spot any bugs go on and submit an issue :].
- Clear(CE)
- Percent(%)
- Division(/)
- Multiply(*)
- Subtract (-)
- Addition(+)
- Convert to negative(+/-)
- Decimal(.)
- Equal(=)
#Issues with the App
- It works if you multiply a decimal number with a whole number, but if you multiply two decimal numbers together you will get an error
- If you spot more errors, please don't hesitate to submit an issue.