Part of the projet Travel Booking App (TBA), includes a frontend to handle bookings, a backend to register the bookings to a database and a dashboard frontend displaying some stats about the bookings.
Travel Booking App (TBA): constitutes a project to gain familiarity with the tecnology stack Spring and React. Where the user is able to book a travel package including Flight and Hotel room from a web page grown with React, consuming and feeding multiple REST API's, utilizing the MySQL relational database. Includes a dashboard page using ECharts.
To run te project, follow the next steps.
Prerequisites to run the project:
- Gradle 4.10.2;
- Java 11;
- Docker 18.X;
To enable 100% of the functionality of the application, its necessary to run the Flight and Hotel backends.
To run the docker container with the database:
cd /database/
docker-compose up -d
On the first run, its necessary to create the tables on the database:
docker exec -it database_db_1 bash
create database db_hotel;
create database db_flight;
create database db_booking;
To run the backend:
cd /api/
./gradlew bootRun
To run the frontend:
cd /public/booking-app
yarn start