Task is a simple CLI tool to help manage your life.
It uses the cobra package to help speed up development.
It was created as part of a tutorial on Gophercises. You can check out the original repository here
Thanks to Jon Calhoun for creating this great learning resource.
If you have your Go workspace set up correctly then you are able to install task-cli to your $GOPATH/bin
directory by using go install
. You may need to run go get
before this if there are dependency issues, though go install
should take care of most of this for you.
If you would like you can run task-cli within a docker contianer. As part of the Makefile you can run make install
this will perform the following actions
- Create a statically linked binary
- Create a docker image with the go binary within
- Create a docker volume to persist the bolt database file
- Create a wrapper bash script within
that will run the container
You can also forego using the wrapper bash script and run the container yourself with the following commands:
docker volume create task
docker run -it --rm -v task:/app/.tasks davyj0nes/task:latest
Basic Usage instructions.
Task is a CLI todo tool
task [command]
Available Commands:
add adds a command to the task list
do completes a task
help Help about any command
list Lists the current open tasks
-h, --help help for task
Use "task [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Add Add Command
- Add List Command
- Add Do Command
- Add database (boltdb)
- Complete tutorial code
- Ensure tool can be run from within Docker
- Add metadata to Tasks
- Add completed flag to List command
- Fork logic to create API backend for web service