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Yet another not-so-simple lex analysor generator and naïve regular expression engine written in programming language Scheme.


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Yet another not-so-simple lex analysor generator and naïve regular expression engine written in programming language Scheme.

Warning! This project is still evolving, most of the API will be changed later.

Use SLeX as Regular expression engine

A regular expression usually is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern.

In usual programming language, Regular Expression is defined in form of String or literal. But for now in SLeX, you can only use RE-IR (Intermediate Representation) to define a RE (see Roadmap). In SLeX, we have:

  • 1 primitive RE-IR constant:
    1. eps: eat none of input characters.
  • 6 primitive constructors:
    1. sig, sig*: eat a single character in the given char-set.
    2. sig-co, sig*-co: eat any single character which not in the given char-set.
    3. exact: match exactly the given string (i.e. sequence of chars), case-sensitively.
    4. exact-ci: match exactly the given string, but case-insensitively.
  • and another 5 RE-IR combinators:
    1. alt
    2. seq
    3. rep?
    4. rep+
    5. kln*

primitives and combinators

The constant eps returns a ε-RE which matches whatever you gave:

(define RE-eps (RE/compile eps))

(RE/matches? RE-eps "")     ; ==> #t
(RE/matches? RE-eps "asdf") ; ==> #t

Gavin a char-set, sig construct a RE that matches exact one char in that candidate set. On the other hand, sig* receives multiple chars as arguments and packed them as a char-set.

(define RE-digit (RE/compile (sig slex:digit)))
(define RE-digit (RE/compile (sig* #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)))

(RE/matches? RE-digit "1")    ; ==> #t
(RE/matches? RE-digit "a")    ; ==> #f
(RE/matches? RE-digit "12")   ; ==> #f

There are some pre-defined char-sets that you can use:

(define slex:digit       char-set:numeric)
(define slex:upper-case  char-set:upper-case)
(define slex:lower-case  char-set:lower-case)
(define slex:alpha       char-set:alphabetic)
(define slex:alphanum    char-set:alphanumeric)
(define slex:whitespace  char-set:whitespace)
(define slex:standard    char-set:standard)
(define slex:graphic     char-set:graphic)

exact and exact-ci match exactly the given string, while exact-ci means case-insensitive:

(define RE-switch0 (RE/compile (exact "switch0")))
(define RE-switch0-ci (RE/compile (exact-ci "switch0")))

(RE/matches? RE-switch0 "switch0")     ; ==> #t
(RE/matches? RE-switch0 "SWITCH0")     ; ==> #f
(RE/matches? RE-switch0-ci "sWiTCh0")  ; ==> #t

alt makes an alternation of two or more REs:

(define RE-peculiar-identifier (RE/compile (alt (sig* #\+ #\-) (exact "...")))

(RE/matches? RE-peculiar-identifier "+")     ; ==> #t
(RE/matches? RE-peculiar-identifier "...")   ; ==> #t
(RE/matches? RE-peculiar-identifier "+..")   ; ==> #f 

seq connects two or more REs:

; equivalent to (exact "...")
(define RE-ldots (RE/compile (seq (sig* #\.) (sig* #\.) (sig* #\.))))

(RE/matches? RE-ldots "...")   ; ==> #t
(RE/matches? RE-ldots ".")     ; ==> #f
(RE/matches? RE-ldots "....")  ; ==> #f

rep? means that the RE should appear zero or exact one time:

; positive-integer may have a plus sign prefix
(define RE-positive-integer-revised
        (RE/compile (seq (rep? (sig* #\+)) positive-integer)))

(RE/matches? RE-positive-integer-revised "+012345")   ; ===> #t

kln* creates a so called Kleene Closure of a RE:

; for simplicity, we suppose that integer could start with '0'
(define RE-positive-integer (RE/compile (kln* slex:digit)))

(RE/matches? RE-positive-integer "123456")   ; ===> #t
(RE/matches? RE-positive-integer "012345")   ; ===> #t
(RE/matches? RE-positive-integer "0.1234")   ; ===> #f

use RE to match pattern

if a RE r is equivalent to a DFA M, thus, a String s ∈ L(r) iff δ q0 s ∈ F or partial-δ q0 s "" = f s "".

use RE to scan pattern

scan function will return all the possible matches occures in text.

use RE to substitute pattern

Use SLeX to generate token analysor

To analysis the token stream, you should define a lexer with define-lex special form and then add definitions and rules to it. The define-lex special form has following forms:

(define-lex <lex-id> {<definition-exps>} <rule-exps>)

;;; where
;;;   <definition-exps> ::= (<def-type> <def-clause> ... )
;;;   <def-type>    ::= definitions | definitions*
;;;   <def-clause>  ::= (<identifier> <scheme-exp>)
;;;   <rule-exps>   ::= (rule <rule-clause> ... {<default-exp>})
;;;   <rule-clause> ::= (<pattern> <action>)
;;;   <pattern>     ::= <scheme-exp>
;;;   <action>      ::= <scheme-exp>
;;;   <default-exp> ::= (default <scheme-exp>)

The semantic of define-lex could be described as:

the special form define-lex defines a named lexer under a lexical enviornment expanded by keyword definition (using let) or definitions (using let*), whose pattern-action pairs are specified by keyword rule, where the <pattern> of <rule-clause> must be a expression which evaluated to be a RE-IR or RE-string, and the <action> of<rule-clause> must be a expression which evaluated to be a self-evaluating data or a tripple arugments procedure.

This may be confusing, let's take example/simple-lang.scm as example:

(define-lex simple-L
    (integer     (rep+ (sig slex:digit)))
    (identifier  (rep+ (sig slex:alpha)))
    (func        (sig* #\+ #\-))
    (keyword-set (exact-ci "set!"))
    (delimiter   (sig slex:whitespace))
    ; also action procedure    
      (lambda (color-func)
        (lambda (token-str start-at)
          (color-func token-str)))))
    (integer     (sv-token string-white))
    (keyword-set (sv-token string-red))
    (identifier  (sv-token string-green))
    (func        (sv-token string-blue))
    (delimiter   Lex/action:token-str)
    (default     Lex/action:handle-error)))

Theoretical detail of SLeX


   ^      String                (DFANode . List<DFANode>)
   |       +\----+                    /
  TODO     |  RE |                 DFA
   |       +--+--+                  ^
   v    Parse |                     | NFA->DFA
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ v                     | 
            RE IR ---------------> NFA
             /        RE->NFA         \
    (Symbol . Char-set | RE)   (NFANode . NFANode)        

A DFA M is a 5-tuple, (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F), consisting of

  • a finite set of states (Q)
  • a finite set of input symbols called the alphabet (Σ)
  • a transition function (δ : Q × Σ → Q)
  • an initial or start state (q0 ∈ Q)
  • a set of accept states (F ⊆ Q)

It is very useful to extend the transition function to receive a string as argument, thus we may define δ' as (where $ stands for end-of-string):

δ' : Q x Σ* -> Q
δ' q $ = q
δ' q (w :: ws) = δ (δ' q ws) w

Sometime, when defining a scan like function, we may find a partial transition function is useful also. A partial transition function also accept two argument as the normal transition function:

partial-δ Q x Σ* x Σ* -> Σ* x Σ*
partial-δ q xs $ = xs :: ""
partial-δ q xs (w :: ws) =
    if δ q w == fail then xs :: (w :: ws)
    else partial-δ (δ q w) (append xs w) ws


Yet another not-so-simple lex analysor generator and naïve regular expression engine written in programming language Scheme.








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