You really should try the rewire branch. I’m still working on it, so i’ve chosen to keep this as master for a bit yet. Rewire (or bard 2.0) has a bunch of improvments and is where all my development effort is going.
- -c, --config='CONFIG'
The configuration directory. The directory is expected to contain the main 'bard.conf' configuration file (see GLOBAL CONFIGURATION). It should also contain the 'left', 'center', and 'right' directories, each containing the unit files for that alignment.
Bard(1) uses the ini format for configuration files. Syntax:
- [Group]
In this document options will be denoted:
- Group:Option
The bard(1) global 'bard.conf' file determines the global options for bard(1). Options:
- display:separator
A string to insert between each unit output. (OPTIONAL, default="")
- display:font
The default font to use when units reset the used font. (REQUIRED)
- bar:path
The path to the lemonbar. This does search through the path (REQUIRED)
- bar:geometry
The geometry string to pass on to lemonbar. The format for this is widthxheight+x+y. (OPTIONAL, default=NULL)
- bar:background
The background to pass to lemonbar. The format is '#AARRGGBB'. (OPTIONAL, default=NULL)
- bar:foreground
The foreground to pass to lemonbar. The format is '#AARRGGBB'. (OPTIONAL, default=NULL)
The 'left', 'right', and 'center' directories contain unit configurations. Options:
- unit:name
The name of the unit. Mainly used for error reporting. (REQUIRED)
- unit:type
The type of the unit. Can be 'poll' or 'running'. A 'poll' unit will run about every display:interval seconds passing the entire output into the unit formatting (see FORMATTING). 'running' units should never exit. They require a process:delimiter, when this string is encountered in the output stream the output is ended and passed into the unit formatting (see FORMATTING). (OPTIONAL, default=poll)
- process:delimiter
This is only used for running processes. See above for what this does. (OPTIONAL, default="\n")
- display:command
The command to execute. For 'running' processes this command should never exit. For 'poll' units this is the command that will be run every iteration of the unit. (REQUIRED)
- display:regex
The regex to match the output on. This is a extended gnu regexp(n) syntax. Groups are supported, they are explained further in FORMATTING. (OPTIONAL, default=NULL)
- display:advformat
This is a boolean value. True if advanced formatting is used, false if not. Please read FORMATTING for further explanation. (OPTIONAL, default=false)
- display:format
The formatting string/command. This is once against best explained in FORMATTING. (REQUIRED)
- display:interval
The interval between iterations of display:command in 'poll' units. The guarantee is that the unit will not be run before this time, it might not be exactly on time though. (OPTIONAL, default=10)
- font:<name>
Allows you to specify unit specific fonts. These can be used in the format string. The option name is user specified, multiple fonts are supported. The option name is used to denote the font in the format string. (OPTIONAL, default=NULL)
The unit invocation is best imagined as a pipeline.
- Step 1
Command execution. For 'poll' units this is done after display:interval time. For 'running' units it’s every time the process:delimiter string is observed. If the output is identical to the previous run the rest of the pipeline will not be invoked, and the bar will not be refreshed.
- Step 2
Formatting. This is the most complicated step. For units without the display:advformat flag set the regex is matched to the command output from the previous step. From there the group matches get substituted into the display:format string. '$1' is the complete match. '$2-' is the matched groups.
For units with the display:advformat flag set the regex is matched and the groups are passed as arguments to an execution of the program located at the path specified in the display:format option.
If the regex is left unset only the first matching option is set. In this case it will be set to the entirety of the command output. - Step 3
Fonts. Every unit has support for fonts. These fonts have a key (the option name you chose). To select a font the syntax '$font[<key>]' is used. This would most commonly be wrapped in the lemonbar font selector syntax. bard(1) will substitute the font index in for you.
- Step 4
Color. Because colors are most commonly matched between applications bard(1) supports reading colors from xlib(3). This is done automatically on startup. lemonbar color codes can be inserted at any place using the syntax '$color[<color>]'. (see COLORS for available colors). This would most commonly be used in a standard lemonbar color syntax. This step is also executed for the foreground, background, and delimiter options of global configuration file.
- Color names listed in order from 0 to 15
black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white grey brightred brightgreen brightyellow brightblue brightmagenta brightcyan brightwhite