This tool allows reduce the number of journal files by moving durable subscriptions, pending messages and acks.
Why do KahaDB log files remain after cleanup?
Clean-up of unreferenced KahaDB journal log files data-.log will occur every 30 seconds by default. If a data file is in-use it will not be cleaned up.
A data file may be in-use because:
1. It contains a pending message for a destination or durable topic subscription.
2. It contains an ack for a message which is in an in-use data file - the ack cannot be removed
as a recovery would then mark the message for redelivery.
3. The journal references a pending transaction.
4. It is a journal file, and there may be a pending write to it.
If the files will not cleaned up, it can lead to the disk space to fill up.
Necessary moving all durable subscriptions, pending messages and part acks for them, saving pending transactions in one or more files.
1. Stop ActiveMQ.
2. Execute: java -jar .\<release version>\KahaDBJournalsOptimizer.jar "journals directory"
3. Start ActiveMQ.
java -jar .\<release version>\KahaDBJournalsOptimizer.jar "D:\apache-activemq-5.13.2\data\kahadb"
- Directory: 'd:\activemq\apache-activemq-5.13.2\data\kahadb'.
- Journal size: 32 MB (33554432).
- Journals: 854 (Total size: 26,69 GB (28655341738)).
- Topics: 1248.
- Queues: 2.
- It took time: 423.931 seconds.
- Subscriptions moved: 1285 (It took time: 75.447 seconds).
- Messages moved: 5378 (It took time: 259.997 seconds).
- Journals remained: 1 (Total size: 3,48 MB (3651054)).
- It took time: 335.494 seconds.
- Directory optimized: 'D:\activemq\apache-activemq-5.13.2\data\kahadb'.
- Backup directory: 'D:\activemq\apache-activemq-5.13.2\data\kahadb_1459951397015'.
This tool displays commands of journal files.
java -jar .\<release version>\KahaDBJournalsReader.jar "journals directory"
java -jar .\<release version>\KahaDBJournalsReader.jar "D:\apache-activemq-5.13.2\data\kahadb"
(1) Journal: 'd:\activemq\apache-activemq-5.13.2\data\kahadb\db-1.log'.
1 CommandType: KAHA_SUBSCRIPTION_COMMAND - TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.0), ClientId: client0, SubKey: client0:EXACTLY_ONCE:test/topic/0.
2 CommandType: KAHA_SUBSCRIPTION_COMMAND - TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.1), ClientId: client1, SubKey: client1:EXACTLY_ONCE:test/topic/1.
3 CommandType: KAHA_SUBSCRIPTION_COMMAND - TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.2), ClientId: client2, SubKey: client2:EXACTLY_ONCE:test/topic/2.
4 CommandType: KAHA_ADD_MESSAGE_COMMAND - TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.2), MsgId: ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1:1:1, TransId: TX:ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1.
5 CommandType: KAHA_ADD_MESSAGE_COMMAND - TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.2), MsgId: ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1:1:2, TransId: TX:ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1.
6 CommandType: KAHA_ADD_MESSAGE_COMMAND - TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.2), MsgId: ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1:1:3, TransId: TX:ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1.
7 CommandType: KAHA_ADD_MESSAGE_COMMAND - TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.2), MsgId: ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1:1:4, TransId: TX:ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1.
8 CommandType: KAHA_ADD_MESSAGE_COMMAND - TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.2), MsgId: ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1:1:5, TransId: TX:ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1.
9 CommandType: KAHA_COMMIT_COMMAND - TransId: TX:ID:compPC-41418-1459948891354-1:1:1.
This tool displays statistics journal files. Number of topics, queues and commands in the journal file.
java -jar .\<release version>\KahaDBJournalsStatistics.jar "journals directory"
java -jar .\<release version>\KahaDBJournalsStatistics.jar "D:\apache-activemq-5.13.2\data\kahadb"
(1) Journal: 'd:\activemq\apache-activemq-5.13.2\data\kahadb\db-1.log'.
Destination statistics:
- Topics: 3.
- Queues: 0.
TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.0).
+ CmdType: KAHA_SUBSCRIPTION_COMMAND (Count: 1, TotalSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), ~AvrgSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), LastBigSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), LastSize: 172 Byte(s) (172))
All commands: 1 (Total size: 172 Byte(s) (172).
TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.1).
+ CmdType: KAHA_SUBSCRIPTION_COMMAND (Count: 1, TotalSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), ~AvrgSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), LastBigSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), LastSize: 172 Byte(s) (172))
All commands: 1 (Total size: 172 Byte(s) (172).
TOPIC (DestId: 1:test.topic.2).
+ CmdType: KAHA_SUBSCRIPTION_COMMAND (Count: 1, TotalSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), ~AvrgSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), LastBigSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), LastSize: 172 Byte(s) (172))
+ CmdType: KAHA_ADD_MESSAGE_COMMAND (Count: 5, TotalSize: 2,18 KB (2235), ~AvrgSize: 447 Byte(s) (447), LastBigSize: 447 Byte(s) (447), LastSize: 447 Byte(s) (447))
All commands: 6 (Total size: 2,35 KB (2407).
Commands without destination:
+ CmdType: KAHA_COMMIT_COMMAND (Count: 1, TotalSize: 79 Byte(s) (79), ~AvrgSize: 79 Byte(s) (79), LastBigSize: 79 Byte(s) (79), LastSize: 79 Byte(s) (79))
All commands: 1 (Total size: 79 Byte(s) (79).
Command statistics:
- Topics: 3 (messages: 8, +subscriptions: 3, -subscription: 0).
- Queues: 0 (messages: 0).
- Other messages: 1.
+ CmdType: KAHA_SUBSCRIPTION_COMMAND (Count: 3, TotalSize: 516 Byte(s) (516), ~AvrgSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), LastBigSize: 172 Byte(s) (172), LastSize: 172 Byte(s) (172))
+ CmdType: KAHA_ADD_MESSAGE_COMMAND (Count: 5, TotalSize: 2,18 KB (2235), ~AvrgSize: 447 Byte(s) (447), LastBigSize: 447 Byte(s) (447), LastSize: 447 Byte(s) (447))
+ CmdType: KAHA_COMMIT_COMMAND (Count: 1, TotalSize: 79 Byte(s) (79), ~AvrgSize: 79 Byte(s) (79), LastBigSize: 79 Byte(s) (79), LastSize: 79 Byte(s) (79))
All commands: 9 (Total size: 2,76 KB (2830).