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The responsibilities of an Assistant GM

TeoTwawki edited this page Aug 17, 2021 · 8 revisions


  • As an assistant GM you are "read only" don't have any power to make changes to any data. You can check a players mission status, current mission, key item, etc. But you can change none of those things.
  • You have no protection from agro, no ability to teleport yourself or other players, no ability to create or remove items or gil.


  • Investigate bug reports: determine if player missed a step of a Quest/Mission, confirm player has the required keyitems/items/completed cut scenes, ensure player hasn't mixed up "Davoi Report" with "Infiltrate Davoi".
  • An assistant GM also performs many of the same functions as a mentor, and is thus expected to be at least somewhat knowledgable about the game and how it is played, able to direct players to the proper resources to answer questions such as the wiki(s), or ffxiah.
  • Escalate issues to the proper GM tier that require further assistance to be resolved. To correct variable or amend keyitems this would require contacting a senior GM, Lead GM, or Teo if neither are available. If we have a code bug this may mean opening a report on LandSandBoat's tracker. If its a clear server specific bug, contact Teo (tracker or discord).


  • Mentor mode is automatically unlocked for Assistant GMs. Instead of the GM icon, you may toggle the giant letter M on and off.
  • To toggle mentor mode, type /mentor or specify the state with /mentor on or /mentor off
  • Try and cultivate positive relationships with the community and encourage players to grow their skills and become Mentors themselves via the in game system. Mentors may eventually be promoted to Assistant GMs.
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