by Denis Kozub
- Non-convex polygonal obstacles on a plane
- Gene sequence with variable length
- Wang et al. greedy hybrid operator mutation for long routes
- One-point greedy hybrid operator mutation for short routes
- One-point operator crossing
#include <iostream>
#include "../geometry/polygon.hpp"
#include "../geometry/point.hpp"
#include "../genetic_algorithm/genetic_algo.hpp"
#include "../genetic_data/map_data.hpp"
using namespace std;
int main()
try {
Polygon p1({ { 1, 0 }, { 2, 0 }, { 2, 4 }, { 1, 4 }, { 1, 0 } }),
p2({ { 3, 2.5 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 4 }, { 5, 2.5 }, { 3, 2.5 } }),
p3({ { 6, 0 }, { 7, 0 }, { 7, 4 }, { 6, 4 }, { 6, 0 } }),
p4({ { 4, 5 }, { 4, 6 }, { 8, 6 }, { 8, 5 }, { 4, 5 } }),
p5({ { 0, 5 }, { 0, 7 }, { 4, 7 }, { 4, 5 }, { 0, 5 } }),
p6({ { 3, 7 }, { 3, 8 }, { 7, 8 }, { 7, 7 }, { 3, 7 } });
vector<pair<Polygon, int>> obstacles({ {p1, 100}, {p2, 100}, {p3, 100}, {p4, 100}, {p5, 100}, {p6, 100} });
Point start({ 4, 2 }), end({ 4, 10 });
MapData data (obstacles, start, end);
GeneticAlgo pathfinder;
size_t population_size = 100;
size_t epoch_number = 300;
size_t valueless_epoch_number = 100;
size_t preserve_best = 5;
size_t preserve_worst = 5;
size_t remove_duplicates = 5;
double cross_percent = 1;
double mutate_percent = 0.2;
const auto& path = pathfinder.solve(&data, population_size, epoch_number, valueless_epoch_number,
preserve_best, preserve_worst, remove_duplicates, cross_percent, mutate_percent, false);
cout << "Path found: " << start << " -> ";
for (const auto& point : path) {
cout << data.pts[point] << " -> ";
cout << end << endl;
catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << typeid(e).name() << ": " << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
Path found: ( 4, 2 ) -> ( 3, 2.5 ) -> ( 2, 4 ) -> ( 0, 5 ) -> ( 0, 7 ) -> ( 4, 10 )
vitrual size_t get_range() = 0;
Return maximum value to be coded (number of coded elements).
virtual double fitness(const std::vector<size_t>&) = 0;
Return fitness value of a gene.
Gene(const Data*);
Pointer to Data class should define fitness function for a particular routing task.
void init();
Randomly initialize a gene with values in range (from Data::get_range()).
void update_chance(double average);
Update chance value for proportional selection according to average fitness value of whole population.
bool selected();
Proportional selection: according to chance value check if gene is selected for crossing / mutating.
If chance value >= 1 gene is selected and chance value is decreased by 1.
bool survived() const;
Proportional selection: according to chance value check if gene escaped killing attempt.
Formula survive_chance = chance / (chance + 1) is used.
The higher chance value is, more likely gene is to survive.
std::pair<Gene, Gene> cross(const Gene& partner);
Perform one-point crossing: point is chosen randomly and parents swap their genes around this point.
Gene mutate();
Perform either Wang greedy hybrid operator (>= 6 points) or one-point greedy hybrid operator (< 6 points).
Randomly choose 2 points of a gene and perform 3 operators: inverse, insert, swap and return best mutant.
Randomly choose 1 point of a gene and perform 3 operators: change, insert, remove and return best mutant.
Population(size_t population_size, const Data*);
Pointer to Data class should define fitness function for a particular routing task.
void fill();
Fill population up to max number of genes (population_size).
void update_chance();
Update chance values of all genes in population for proportional selection.
void remove_duplicates();
Duplicate genes are ones with the same fitness value.
void cross(double cross_percent);
Perform crossing on a given percent of genes.
First population_size * cross_percent / 8 genes are guaranteed to be chosen as one of the parents, others are chosen randomly.
void mutate(double mutate_percent);
Perform mutation on a given percent of genes.
First population_size * cross_percent / 4 genes are guaranteed to be mutated, others are chosen randomly.
void select(size_t preserve_best, size_t preserve_worst);
Perform selection preserving best and worst genes.
Killing attempts will be made until there are population_size number of genes in population.
std::vector<size_t> solve();
Starts genetic algorithm. Returns best gene.
- const Data* data: pointer to Data class should define fitness function for a particular routing task.
- size_t population_size: max number of genes in population
- size_t epoch_number: max number of iterations
- size_t valueless_epoch_number: max number of iterations without improvements
- size_t preserve_best: number of best genes preserved during selection
- size_t preserve_worst: number of worst genes preserved during selection
- size_t remove_duplicates: remove duplicate genes each iteration
- double cross_percent: share of genes in population crossed (from 0 to 1)
- double mutate_percent: share of genes in population mutated (from 0 to 1)
- bool report = false: whether to print info about each iteration
Structure of the algorithm:
1) initialize population
2) FOR epoch_number:
3) selection
4) remove duplicates
5) fill population
6) crossing
7) mutation
8) IF valueless_epoch_number reached
Input data: a route (represented by a gene sequence) and a set of polygons on a plane.
fitness value = 0
FOR each segment of the route:
FOR each polygon:
IF a segment does not intersect a polygon, its length is added to fitness value
ELSE its length is multiplied by surface parameter and added to fitness value