- clone this repository on your machine
git clone https://github.com/DennisRotondi/dlai_project.git
- install the requirements inside the cloned folder
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- install the package
python3 setup.py install
- create the dataset
python3 src/env/grid_save.py
- train the models {vae, mdnrnn, controller} (pick one each time, in this order)
python3 src/models/{vae, mdnrnn, controller}_train.py
python3 src/models/vae_train.py
- or request access to my dvc remote folder (dvc on google drive requires it, also if the folder were public it still need to be shared individually) and pull my uploaded files for dataset and ckpt
dvc pull
- now enjoy watching the agent solving the game... or at least trying
python3 src/env/play.py test_env.visualize=True