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Simple 3D Graphics Engine


Clone the repo. If on Windows to get all needed dependencies you might want to pass --recursive:
git clone --recursive

If this is too much for you or takes an insanely long time, follow Linux users to the next step

On Linux and its derivatives, refer to deps/ to install all needed dependencies:

Change dir to repo:
cd dengine


  • DengineRC: Build dengine-rc into source dir:
    cmake -S main/dengine-rc -B build/dengine-rc
    cmake --build build/dengine-rc

  • Desktop (Linux, Windows) : Build with CMake. For Windows, MinGW is highly recommended. Haven't tested on MSVC with C99

    • (optional) Mess around with for certain compile time options

    • Configure cmake: cmake -S . -B build/desktop

      • Optional options include:
        • -DDENGINE_WIN: Force Window API (Linux), can be X11, WAYLAND
        • -DDENGINE_CONTEXT: Force Context API (Linux), can be GLX(X11 only), EGL

    MinGW Note: See tools/mingw/

    • Build the tree: cmake --build build/desktop
  • Android :

    • With Android Studio:

      • Simply open the apk test build.gradle with Android Studio
    • Without Android studio (terminal):

      • Ensure OpenJDK 11 is installed. Locate JRE from it. Call this JAVA_HOME. Ensure JAVA_HOME/bin has java executable.

      • Set environment variable to point to JAVA_HOME. Test with java --version if its actually openjdk 11.*

      • Run ./gradlew build (Linux) or gradlew.bat build (Windows)

      • The following gradle options may speed up build by skipping certain unneeded tasks for Native Activity: -x lintVitalAnalyzeRelease -x lintAnalyzeDebug -x lintDebug

      • By default, this builds an APK which you can run on any Physical Device or Emulator in app/build/output

      • Termux X11: - Configure cmake with option -DDENGINE_TERMUX_X11. Builds a regular executable as Desktop

    • To build the executable tests, run regular cmake. Use the toolchain in the NDK
      cmake -S . -B build/android -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE='<NDK_DIR>/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake' -DANDROID_API=24

    See other options at Android docs

glue code

writing python scripts

  • Linux: Its actually very easy here. Just install the modules located in <CMAKE_BUILD_DIR>/dengine-script-build/modules-build/to-python3-site-pacakages. Install dengine directory to your Python site-packages or add the directory to your IDE/Editor Python path (VSCode-OSS in this case)
  • Windows: Its very tricky here as it depends on the Python version installed and what it was compiled with. Upstream Python is build with MSVC. Note the precompiled releases use MinGW which is obviously NOT compatible with MSVC. So a little hack is to build a custom interpretor with MinGW and add it to VSCode. Alternatively, compile everything with MSVC, which I haven't tested. Then copy to site-packages(I don't have Windows nor MSVC. I'm also not a big MS fan 🤷)

github actions releases

now availabe on github actions! you need to be logged in
check out the cmake workflow