Releases: DesertFoxHU/Grimfield
QoL, new icons, desync fix, faster gameplay, entity selection, build panel update
- New game background music
- New resource icons (they look cooler)
- Chat got some QoL, white colored texts on black panel, smaller texts. Overall more readable
- Added Flags, however they don't do anything gameplay related, but they spawn on the map with 40% rate and they can't be next to eachother
- Newly spawned unit can't move instantly
- Server tries to solve the clients desync error when that happens (needs some testing)
- There is a marker for selected entities
- Changed village's coin capacity from 10 to 12
- Cheaper buildings to make the gameplay faster (in the
version you needed like 40-50 turn cycle to just simply spawn a unit) - Enities have more information on the Info panel (left side panel), including: Owner's name, entity's ID (for debug) and current stats
- You can cancel a unit selection, in the past wherever you clicked it would be a Movement request, but you can easily cancel it with
click - Build Panel now has pages. There was a problem with a element was outside the correct panel, so it looked very weird.
Known bugs: -
Every commit:
[+] New resource icons
[+] Chat messages got smaller
[+] Removed unused sprites
[+] Added flag tile
[+] Flags are generate on the map with 40% chance and they never can be next to eachother.
[+] The spawned unit can't move instantly
[+] The server now tries to fix an entity's desync error
[+] Added Selected marker for entities, now it's easier to keep track of which entity you selected
[+] Increased village coin's capacity 10->12
[+] Lot of buildings got cheaper to make the gameplay faster and not just skip simulator
[+] Chat messages are now white instead of black (better visibility on a black panel)
[+] Added more information in the InfoPanel for entities
[+] Removed unused 'Skill' resources
[+] If you right click while you have a selected unit then it will simply cancel the selection
[+] Added missing resource icons for info panel
[+] Build panel got new buttons: page up and page down
[+] Build panel is now "scrollable" with buttons
Attack animations, hurt animations, balance change
- Unit attack animations
- Unit hurt animations
- Balance changes
Known bugs: -
Every commit:
[+] Added Flying Eye, Goblin, Mushroom attack animation
[+] Fixed an error which caused error when the attacker's victim died
[+] Added Skeleton Hurt animation
[+] Added Flying Eye Hurt animation
[+] Added Goblin Hurt animation
[+] Added attack animations
[+] Added first hurt animation for Flying eye
[+] Added debug variables to entities, so it's easier to debug them
[+] Flying eye coin cost 24 -> 22
[+] Goblin health: 4 -> 6
[+] Mushroom health: 40 -> 37
[+] Mushroom got cheaper to recruit
[+] Skeleton damage: 4 -> 3
Wiki hyperlinks, more wiki pages, more entity color texture, bug fix
- Fixed a bug which caused the resource generation text to be like "+-2", this should now behave correctly
- More wiki pages
- Wiki pages can now have links
- Wiki book contains all buildings, hopefully this helps players to understand the buildings. The visualization will change, currently is not too dynamic and it's hard to read
- Added secondary color texture for nearly all entity (except Flying Eye). This means they will have the same color as their owner.
Known bugs:
- You can cause entity descyn when first clicking an unit which has enough range to reach an allied entity then clicking on that unit. The first unit no longer can move.
The resource generation behave weirldy when there is even a single unit (it shows +- per turn)
Every commit:
[+] The building's cost and cost increase placed from BuildMenuElement to BuildingDefinition (it's more logical to store there)
[+] Wiki pages about buildings
[+] Increased Village and Forestry capacity by one
[+] Hyperlinks for the wiki book
[+] The Wiki canvas initialize all of the pages
[+] Added Goblin's secondary texture
[+] Added information button to buildPanel segments
[+] Fixed a visual bug, which caused the resource generation to show weird numbers ("+-2")
[+] Added Secondary Texture for Mushroom
[+] Fixed color mismatch for Skeleton's secondary texture
Territories, disconnect actions
It's worth mentioning territories mean nothing yet, so the server actually doesn't force you to build inside your territories.
I need more testing about territories and I don't want any gameplay lock to happen (like if you place your first village in a flat area you can't do anything)
- Territory synchronization for clients and server
- If somebody disconnects there will be a chat message
- Cheaper Forestry and Orchard first buy, because there was an empty turn (when nobody could do anything besides waiting for resources to buy them)
- If somebody disconnect for any reason they will return to the main menu
Known bugs:
- You can cause entity descyn when first clicking an unit which has enough range to reach an allied entity then clicking on that unit. The first unit no longer can move.
- The resource generation behave weirldy when there is even a single unit (it shows +- per turn)
Every commit:
[+] The chat will show if somebody is disconnected
[+] If a player disconnect from the server for any reason they will return to the main menu
[+] Added territory synchronize between server and clients
[+] Territory should be visible for everyone
[+] Forestry and Orchard first citizen cost set for 1. This way there is no empty turn at the beginning.
Unit attacking, Unit upkeep, building destroying
Probably this is the first "playable" build (if there aren't any error), because theoretically somebody can lose if they don't have enough resource to pay for a new building and lose all of the buildings
- Units can attack enemy units once per turn
- Every unit can have different maximum attack range, currently every unit use 1
- If you click on a unit a marker will appear on enemy units to display which can be attacked
- Unit disappear when their upkeep cost has not been paid
- You can only recruit units when its your turn
- Decreased a few building's initial cost and increased the produce rate for some resource
- The game's window is now resizable
- Units can destroy enemy buildings if they stand on it for two turn
Known bugs: -
Every commit:
[+] You can only recruit when its your turn
[+] Fixed an error which caused the entity building claim system to behave incorrectly
[+] Increased resources produce amount
[+] Decreased a few building's initial cost
[+] The game window is resizable
[+] Fixed an error which made the upkeep cost the same as recruit cost
[+] If an enemy unit is standing on a building for 2 turns the building will be destroyed
[+] When you click on an entity it will show you what it can attack
[+] You can attack another units
[+] Entities don't need to have an owner, and if they don't have then their color will be normal
[+] Entities can be destroyed
[+] If the entities not paid by upkeep then it will simply disappear
Closeable Chat Panel
The previous release's files already contains these changes, but I not made a pull request from dev branch. To fix any confusion I release this version
Known bugs: -
- Chatbox is now closable
Every commit:
[+] The Chat panel is now can be closed and reopened
[+] The Chat panel is disabled in the main menu, and it will be first enabled when joined a lobby
Unit turn movement, healthbar, new units, Chatbox
Known bugs: -
- Units only can be moved once per turn
- Units only can be moved when it's their owner's turn
- Recruit cost for every unit
- Cheaper buildings
- Added missing prefabs, animations for [Flying Eye, Goblin, Mushroom]
- Units have healthbar
- New icons
- Chat Panel, so players can chat with eachother
- Wiki Panel default key is now F1
Every commit:
[+] The Chat panel is now can be closed and reopened
[+] The Chat panel is disabled in the main menu, and it will be first enabled when joined a lobby
[+] Added ChatPanel
[+] The Wiki panel default key is now F1 to toggle
[+] Players can now chat with eachother
[+] New icon for health and speed property (entity)
[+] Healthbar for entities
[+] The units can only be moved once per turn
[+] Every unit only can be moved when it's their owner turn
[+] Entity cost when recruited
[+] Lot of buildings got cheaper
[+] Added entities upkeep cost
[+] Added Flying Eye pfefab, animations
[+] Added Goblin prefab, animations
[+] Added Mushroom prefab, animations
Unit secondary color, important fixes
Known bugs: -
- Unit secondary textures will change color depending on the owner color
Every commit:
[+] Entities will have the owner's color as secondary texture
[+] Fixed resource duplication error
[+] Fixed an error which caused the entity to being unable to move to the right tiles.
Unit Movement, tooltip, ingame wiki, admin commands, secondary textures
Known bugs:
- There are some buildings which causes specific resource generation to be doubled.
- New Font
- Units can be moved by its owner
- Tooltips, and hints for resource types
- In-game wiki book (avaible by pressing 'H'), has multiple pages
- Unit movement range now rendered for clients
- Unit movement sync between clients
- Server admin console (both for In-Editor and built server)
- Admin commands
- Fixed naming errors between Server and Client
- Clients now know which entities are theirs
- Secondary textures. This now doesn't mean a lot, because nothing use it yet, but in the future this will mean every unit part of the texture will be changed depending on the players' color. (For example a Skeleton shield is going to be orange, if the owner color is orange too).
Every commit:
[+] Added new font asset
[+] Continue of entities
[+] InfoPanel now can show entities
[+] Added Tooltips, everything which has a collider/image can show a tooltip
[+] Added tooltip hints for resources
[+] Added Wiki book panel and first panels
[+] Added Wiki pages usability, you can see the previous and the next one
[+] Added Buildings wiki page
[+] Added Unit movement range calculations, however it not displayed with anything yet.
[+] Fixed misnaming "TileDefiniton" to "TileDefinition"
[+] The map max limit set to 64x64, because the current system is not too suited for huge maps.
[+] Unit max movement range now rendered by the client
[+] Added the ability to write commands in the built server terminal
[+] Added /help and /GetMapDimension commands
[+] Removed unused project files
[+] Added Server Editor Console for command input. It's useful when the server is not built, but you need admin commands.
[+] Added new commands
[+] Fixed the name sync error between server and client (which caused by wrong object reference due to TextMeshPro)
[+] Unit movement
[+] Entities owner Id is now correctly set both in server and client
[+] Only the owner of that entity can move
[+] Fixed a movement graph related error
[+] Added Space background to game map
[+] Wiki buttons (next, previous page) got a new image
[+] Added secondary texture changer shader
[+] Skeleton got secondary texture (shield)
[+] Material Instancing script, which helps with changing color per material
[-] Remove Server directory
0.1.2: New server version
- Settings Panel, you can change the overall volume and fullscreen mode
- Newer networking
- Working Credits
- Credits' text is somewhere clickable and will open a set url
- Increased the produce rate of nearly all buildings
- The text, which shows who has the turn currently also changes its color depending on the players' color
- Lot of buildings got cheaper to build
- The cost of a building will change to red color if you don't have that many
- Background work on territories (nation borders)
- You can spawn entities (currently for free and they cant do anything)
- Added 3 other type of entities
- UI changes
- Added Coin Mint, which produces coins from gold ores
- Added Recruit Panel, where you can recruit units
Every commit:
[+] Added settings UI
[+] Settings panel is togglable by pressing Escape
[+] You can change the fullscreen mode
[+] You can change the global audio volume
[+] The changed settings now saved and remembered by the client
[+] Newer networking version
[+] Added Credits list
[+] Some credit's text is clickable and will redirect to a specific url
[+] The color of TurnInfoText (which shows "Turn: {Player}") is now colored the same as the current player
[+] Increased producers' produce rate
[+] A lot of buildings got cheaper to build
[+] The buildings' cost will now change color depending if the player have the required resources or not
[+] The territory rendering logic got seperated for clients and servers
[+] UI changes
[+] Added Coin Mint, which can produce coins from gold
[+] Increased Gold ore spawn
[+] Fixed an error which caused some resource duplication
[+] Added EntityDefinition
[+] Added Skeleton's definition
[+] Added Recruit Panel first implementation
[+] Added Mushroom, Flying eye, Goblin EntityDefinition
[+] Finalizing on RecruitPanel
[+] Added Entity spawning, the client can request spawn of an entity, then the server checks everything and send spawn packet for everyone.
[+] Added Recruit Panel open function
[+] Added Recruit panel's button function