wantbuythis is a web application for advanced wishlist management. This monorepository contains backend and frontend applications in their respective directories.
Technology Stack:
- Frontend: Nuxt.js
- Backend: Python, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy (see /backend/pyproject.toml for details)
- Other remarks: Initially, the project was created for educational purposes, to practice architectural patterns and various python application designs. The code does not pretend to be a good example of TDD, DDD, EDA and other approaches.
Startup Instructions:
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/desunovu/wannabuythis.git cd wannabuythis
Set Up the backend in development mode:
- Install and configure Poetry
- Install the required dependencies:
cd backend poetry install
- Run postgres from docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d postgres
- Run database migrations:
poetry run alembic upgrade head
- Start the FastAPI server:
poetry run uvicorn src.integration.entrypoints.fastapi_app:app --reload