Goldman Stacks is a proof of concept web-based online banking application written from the ground up using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL. The application encompasses two user roles, which are client and employee. Clients can manage their funds by opening/closing bank accounts, and making deposits, withdrawals, transfers, and payments. Employees are able to track client activity and be in charge of whether to approve client requests.
- Sign in
- Registration
- User Options
- Opening/Closing Bank Accounts
- Balance Checking
- Saving/Viewing Transactions
- Printing Report/Statement
- Depositing/Withdrawing
- Balance Transfering
- Billing/Payments
- Record Entry/Search
- Security consists of CSRF authentication tokens, inactivity detection, forced HTTPS, encryption, hashed passwords, front/back-end input validation, and prepared statements.
- Usability for end-users consists of a responsive web design, redirects for 4xx and 5xx response codes, removal of file extension from URL, full-site bookmark compatibility, and lack of POST form-resubmission on refresh.
Snippet of the client home page, where clients get a brief overview of all their accounts and recent transactions.
Snippet of the bank account and transaction details page, where clients can view their recent incoming and outgoing transactions, and manage funds for a specified account.
Snippet of the manage open requests page, where an employee can approve or reject client requests to open a new bank account.