Very simple neovim plugin that creates commands like split
and vsplit
but instead
of creating neovim windows you get tmux panes.
Using packer.nvim
use 'DeviousStoat/mumux.nvim'
You will probably figure it out
This plugin creates two commands Mumux
and VMumux
No keymaps are set.
:Mumux /path/to/my/file
Will open /path/to/my/file
in a new neovim instance in a horizontal tmux pane
:VMumux /path/to/my/file
Will open /path/to/my/file
in a new neovim instance in a vertical tmux pane
You can add a bang
) to make the new tmux pane a proper shell
eg. if you use :Mumux
you get a new neovim instance but once you close it
the pane closes with it. The bang prevents that, you get back to the terminal.
This plugins also exposes these commands as telescope actions so you can easily set a mapping to open a selected file in telescope through mumux's commands.
local mumux_actions = require("mumux.telescope_actions")
defaults = {
mappings = {
n = {
["<C-v>"] = mumux_actions.open_in_vertical_pane,
["<C-x>"] = mumux_actions.open_in_horizontal_pane,
["<C-o>"] = mumux_actions.open_in_vertical_pane_shell,
["<C-p>"] = mumux_actions.open_in_horizontal_pane_shell,
Or you can set them for a specific picker. Checkout :h telescope.mappings
Nothing to configure