A Chemistry Stoichiometry C++ Library
Parses Chemical Equations Balances Chemical Equations Does g/mol conversions, etc
This project is currently in development phase, and there are no stable releases available.
###How To Use
Using the mulch library is very simple. You can create a chemical equation by constructing a new ChemEquation
object and supplying a string with the chemical equation.
mulch::ChemEquation combustion("CH4 + O2 = H2O + CO2");
You can also create a default ChemEquation object and set the equation later on.
mulch::ChemEquation combustion;
combustion.setEquation("CH4 + O2 = H2O + CO2");
You can then get the equation you just set in string form.
string methane = combustion.getEquation();
You can then get each compound of the equation packed into a STL vector.
vector <string> methaneCompounds = combustion.getCompoundStrings();
Want even more data about the compounds, such as the element count, etc? This function will return a vector of structs. Each struct contains data about one compound.
vector <mulch::compound> methaneCompounds = combustion.getCompoundData();
###Current Plan
Currently there are three repos of Mulch. This is the main repository, and there are two personal repos over @shrimpboyho and @dpwivagg
There repositories are focused on two seperate aspects of this project.
@shrimpboyho is strictly for parser development
@dpwivagg is strictly for calculator development
Once both parts of the project work, one C++ class will be created and it will be known as the ChemEquation.
There are many jobs availible for those who want to contribute to the growth of this project.
We are currently in need of someone to maintain documentation, as well as someone who is experienced will managing pull requests.
There are future plans to port this library over to JavaScript utilizing Emscripten.
###How To Build
Build at your own risk.
Build using the Code::Blocks IDE.
There is a project file in the repository one can open.
There is also a makefile which can be used with mingw.
mingw32-make -f MulchMake