I deployed DataPayloadContract on Ropsten testnet: https://testnet.etherscan.io/address/0xbbf41077eb977778099189e711f8eba03f6faa6b
ERC23 token transaction contains data
. You can call a function in contract by sending tokens with attached data
similar to contract call by sent ETC transaction with data
DataPayloadContract contains buy(uint256, address)
function that will send given amount of Ether to a given address. So if we need to call it directly we should attach sha3("buy(uint256,address)") to transaction (= 0x7deb6025
). At my experiment I was asking contract for 2443 wei. uint256 should be encoded to 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000098b
so the complete data
payload will be 0x7deb6025000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000098b
TX: https://testnet.etherscan.io/tx/0x6b2f80d407568b1c648f293f63abe7dcf490be6b7682abb0fe026eee63e5c9c5
As the result of this I received 2443 wei as expected. You can call every function inside contract by sending ERC23 tokens to contract address with data
attached. Receiver contract may also call one more contract etc.
Our address: A ERC23 token contract: B We need to send our tokens to contract C. C needs to redirect every incoming tokens to contract D. D is doing nothing.
A -> B -> C -> D will be a single transaction.
A -> (msg.data contains B call data
+ C call data
) -> B (executes B call data
then sends token transaction to C with C call data
) -> C (executes C call data
) -> D (executed D call data
but it is empty so D is doing nothing)