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Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size





My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Desktop-first workflow

What I learned

I learnt a lot working with html markup and css, getting used to their tags and class properties while writing this project, I indeed learnt how to use flex property and the absolute positioning to a good extent. I have alot more to learn in css though as I am growing further in th field. I really have alot to learn on javascrript as it is very important in the process

Working on this project was realling challenging as the project had a lot to do with images and their alignments. I faced alot of challenges but I got solution to few by researching on stackoverflow, w3schools and the general solutions found on google.

Continued development

I strongly look forward to work more on css positioning, grid, icons, animations and media query. And I look forward to reallu understanding the basic concept of (JavaScript and React) and its utilizations.

Useful resources

  • w3schools - This helped me to see better ways of applying my codes. I really liked their system pattern.
  • stackoverflow - This is an amazing site which helped me to find solutions to problems I faced in working out my code.



A very big thank you to everyone who assisted me in understanding the project better. I would also like to thank Grazac academy for providing the great opportunity to solve challenges and give a space for building up.


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