MLgrating (MultiLayer grating) is a program for simulating the efficiency of gratings used on beamlines at large-scale light sources such as synchrotrons and free-electron lasers. The program allows the efficiency of gratings with both trapezoidal and saw tooth profiles to be simulated. It also enables the efficiency of gratings with multilayer coatings (multilayer gratings) to be simulated. The input parameters have been defined to match the units and nomenclature established in REFLEC [1]. MLgrating itself uses GD-Calc [2] to calculate the grating efficiencies via a Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis (RCWA) approach.
[1] Schäfers and Krumrey, BESSY Technical Report 201/96 (1996)
[2] Johnson (2022) Grating Diffraction Calculator (GD-Calc ®) [Source Code].