This is an open-source Pokedex written in Python that provides information about Pokemon. It has been recently updated with improved user interface and new features for a better user experience.
- Search for information about a specific Pokemon by name or ID
- Display general information about a Pokemon and its type
- Display the official pixel art image of a Pokemon
To run the application, you need to have Python 3 installed and the following libraries:
🟢 Python
🟣 Pillow
🟡 Urllib3
🔴 Pypokedex
🔵 Custom Tkinter
⚪️ tkinter, pickle, webbrowser, urllib.request e io
- Clone the repository or download the application.
- Install the required libraries with the following commands:
- New modern interface
- Desktop application
- Dark and light mode
- Interactive notice
- Cache system
Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute to this project, open a new issue to discuss your idea or submit a pull request with the proposed changes.
This project was developed by me and uses Pypokedex as a data source. The application design was inspired by the interface of Pokedex from Pokémon games.