To learn how to use "PHP" with a database. The UI (User Interface) is rudimentary but functional. The main purpose is to learn one more language: the "PHP".
Using "CSS", "Bootstrap" and "jQuery" along with PHP to make a beautiful user interface.
This application is used to show how three part of a 3-tier Architecture work together. So we have:
user interface <==> PHP <==> MongoDB
We need to install a driver of MongoDB to allow PHP to work with the database. If we use XAMPP, we should not use the last version because there is no Mongo's driver for it. Instead, we should follow some particular steps (here) or:
Developing using XAMPP as server. To execute the application:
1. open XAMPP then turn on the Apache module.
2. open an Internet browser then enter: "localhost/quiz_PHP/documents"
- Dinh HUYNH - All Rights Reserved!