Simple module for MTA that provides Postgre.SQL client API.
I accept any support regarding the module development. Feel free to make PRs and Issues.
Information about Installation provided on the Releases page.
userdata pg_conn(string connection)
Attempts to make connection with your Postgre.SQL server.
string connection
- connection query string.
Might look like:
hostaddr=IP port=5432 dbname=DBNAME user=USERNAME password=PASSWORD
If the connection attempt is successfull, the function returns connection handle.
On the failure, the function returns 2 values:
(bool)Error message
local conn,err = pg_conn("postgresql://user:123qwe@127.0.03:5432/mydb?connect_timeout=3");
if (err ~= nil) then
return 1;
userdata pg_query(userdata connection, string query)
Sends query to the Postgre.SQL server with provided data. String escaping supports as well.
userdata connection
- connection handle (see pg_conn).
string query
- query to send to the Postgre.SQL server.
If query was sent successfully, the function returns userdata with the query result handle.
On the failure, the function returns 2 values:
(bool)Error message
local query,qerr = pg_query(conn, "SELECT $1 as a, $2 as b", -67, 2)
if (query == false) then
table pg_poll(userdata query)
Gets the data from the query result handle.
userdata query
- query result handle (see pg_query).
On the success, the function returns a table.
On the failure, the function returns 1 value:
local query,qerr = pg_query(conn, "SELECT $1 as a, $2 as b", -67, 2)
if (query == false) then
bool pg_free(userdata query)
Frees memory after executing the query (in case it didn't happen before).
userdata query
- query result handle (see pg_query).
If the query result handle is valid, the function returns true
Otherwise the function returns false
local query,qerr = pg_query(conn, "SELECT $1 as a, $2 as b", -67, 2)
bool pg_exec(userdata connection, string query)
Sends query to the Postgre.SQL server, except it doesn't return any data like pg_query.
userdata connection
- connection handle (see pg_conn).
string query
- query to send to the Postgre.SQL server.
If query was successfully sent, the function returns userdata with the query result handle.
On the failure, the function returns 2 values:
(bool)Error message
local exec = pg_exec(conn, "INSERT INTO users (name, password, money) VALUES ($1,$2,$3)", "a man", "mypasswd", "13");
bool pg_close(userdata connection)
Closes connection with the Posgre.SQL server.
userdata connection
- connection handle (see pg_conn).
If connection was closed successfully, the function returns true
On the failure, the function returns false
local conn,err = pg_conn("postgresql://user:123qwe@127.0.03:5432/mydb?connect_timeout=3");
... (some code here)