Better comments helps you to organize your comments with highlights and virtual text.
in order to use this plugin you need to set up treesiter
Recommended Packer:
use "Djancyp/better-comments.nvim"
tags = {
name = "TODO",
fg = "white",
bg = "#0a7aca",
bold = true,
virtual_text = "",
name = "FIX",
fg = "white",
bg = "#f44747",
bold = true,
virtual_text = "This is virtual Text from FIX",
name = "WARNING",
fg = "#FFA500",
bg = "",
bold = false,
virtual_text = "This is virtual Text from WARNING",
name = "!",
fg = "#f44747",
bg = "",
bold = true,
virtual_text = "",
tags = {
// TODO will overwrite
name = "TODO",
fg = "white",
bg = "#0a7aca",
bold = true,
virtual_text = "",
name = "NEW",
fg = "white",
bg = "red",
bold = false,
virtual_text = "",
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.