evaluates a typed tree (wrapped into an Expr
) into a value
(this seems similar to context.eval
evaluating an untyped tree in Scala 2).
This functionality exists in Scala 3/Dotty but is deliberately blocked in macros
(because of the phase consistency principle).
To unblock, a code expanding macros should be compiled with the compiler patched.
Macros themselves can be compiled with the standard compiler.
Staging dependency didn't have to be patched so far.
scalaVersion := "3.2.1" // 3.2.0, 3.1.3, ...
libraryDependencies += scalaOrganization.value %% "scala3-staging" % scalaVersion.value
// custom Scala settings
managedScalaInstance := false
ivyConfigurations += Configurations.ScalaTool
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
scalaOrganization.value % "scala-library" % "2.13.10",
scalaOrganization.value %% "scala3-library" % "3.2.1",
"com.github.dmytromitin" %% "scala3-compiler-patched-assembly" % "3.2.1" % "scala-tool"
import scala.quoted.*
inline def printAtCompileTime[A](a: A): Unit = ${impl[A]('a)}
def impl[A: Type](a: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Expr[Unit] =
import quotes.reflect.*
given staging.Compiler = staging.Compiler.make(this.getClass.getClassLoader)
val aValue = // evaluating a tree
sbt clean compile
printAtCompileTime(1 + 1) // 2 (at compile time)
On contrary to
, Eval
evaluates into a value a source code rather than a tree. So it works on standard Scala 3.
scalaVersion := "3.2.1" // or 3.2.0
libraryDependencies += "com.github.dmytromitin" %% "eval" % "0.1"
sbt clean compile run
import com.github.dmytromitin.eval.Eval
Eval[Int]("1 + 1") // 2 (at runtime)
import com.github.dmytromitin.eval.Eval
import scala.quoted.*
inline def printAtCompileTime[A](a: A): Unit = ${impl[A]('a)}
def impl[A: Type](a: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Expr[Unit] =
import quotes.reflect.*
val str = a.asTerm.pos.sourceCode.getOrElse(
report.errorAndAbort(s"No source code for ${}")
val aValue = Eval[A](str) // evaluating source code
sbt clean compile
printAtCompileTime(1 + 1) // 2 (at compile time)
import com.github.dmytromitin.macros.eval.AnnotationsMacro.getAnnotations
import com.github.dmytromitin.macros.eval.PrintValueMacro.printAtCompileTime
printAtCompileTime(1 + 1)
getAnnotations(classOf[scala.CanEqual[?, ?]])
//new scala.annotation.internal.SourceFile("library/src/scala/CanEqual.scala"), new scala.annotation.internal.Child[scala.CanEqual.derived.type](), new scala.annotation.implicitNotFound("Values of types ${L} and ${R} cannot be compared with == or !=")
// add custom Scala settings to build.sbt, see above
printAtCompileTime(1 + 1)
getAnnotations(classOf[scala.CanEqual[?, ?]])
//scala.List.apply[java.lang.String]("new scala.annotation.internal.SourceFile(\"library/src/scala/CanEqual.scala\")", "new scala.annotation.internal.Child[scala.CanEqual.derived.type]()", "new scala.annotation.implicitNotFound(\"Values of types ${L} and ${R} cannot be compared with == or !=\")")