Those are a group of tools for a certain game (opensource on request, just write me a message)
Creating a custom server completly standalone that doesn't rely in the original servers in any way so people can still play the game, even after the oficial game servers close. It's also a great tool for people that wanna experiment and try things in a more "sandbox" like way
- Emulator or device with Root access
- Computer with
- Install the prequisites
Setup Emulator Example Video Tutorial
- Download the requiered repositories
Download Everything Video Tutorial
git clone
git clone
git clone
- Download and install the game
You can download the game from the following links
Link ARMV7 <= Use this for emulators
Link ARMV8 <= Use this for real devices if supported
Extract the contents and use the provided script to easily install it
Install The Game Video Tutorial
- Start DoctorateCS Server
- Start DoctorateInyector Server
We redirect the requests being made by the game to our own server and that's pretty much it.
Everything Is Chaos
It was a mix between dumping files from memory, reverse-engineering and data traffic analisys, the rest is trial and error and figure out things step by step
I know the documentation is bad, and i'm really sorry about it but i don't really know how to make it better.
Just write me a message on any social network at
Telegram: @insomnyawolf
Discord: insomnyawolf#9895
Twitter: @insomnyawolf (may take a while to answer here, i rarely use it)
Or join our Discord and do it there
Discord link is back up, i talked with the server owner and he's fine on having working invite link again \:D/