Seven Wonders game implementation for CS319 course.
NOTE: If you are using the game on a computer which has Turkish as default language, it is not going to work. In order to make it work you can download the latest version on master, or add the following line to the TestApplication line 32 :
- Make sure that you have JRE 11 and have it in your path. (try running java -v)
- Locate to Github repository releases of the application (
- Download the Compiled version.
- Extract to a folder named SevenWonders.
- Enter the folder and run bash script. (Make sure you change its permission to be executable , chmod +x
- The game should start now.
- Make sure you have JDK 11 and Gradle 5.6+.
- Clone the source from Github repository of the project. (
- Enter src directory and execute gradle run.
- The game should start now.