A PowerShell API Framework
Language | Release Version | Release Date | Bartender Version |
Authors: Adrian Andersson
Company: Domain Group
Latest Release Notes: here
How to install:
install-module -name psrapid
#Import the module
import-module psRapid
#Create a directory for our API
$apiPath = 'c:\psRapid'
if(!(test-path $apiPath))
new-item $apiPath -itemType Directory
#Subdirectory in your api path
$apiFolder = "$apiPath\api"
if(!(test-path $apiFolder))
new-item $apiFolder -itemType Directory
#Advanced PS Function in your subdirectory
#Add in a special pageControl attribute to control access and caching
$mathTest = @'
Add two numbers together
Add two numbers together
The first number to add
The second number to add
cache = $true,
networkRange = ('',''),
tokenRequired = $false,
cacheMins = 3
if(($x -is [int])-and(($y -is [int])))
[pscustomobject] @{
x = $x
y = $y
result = $x+$y
method = 'add'
$mathTest | out-file "$apiFolder\math.ps1"
#Set your params
$port = 9889 #Port to listen on
$apiHostName = 'localhost' #Use asterisk to listen for all hostnames, use localhost to lock it down to local requests only
$requireToken = $false #Should we blanket require API Tokens regardless of the pageControl attribs?
$defaultCacheTime = 15 #How many minutes should we keep results in the cache by default (Override with pageControl)
$defaultCacheBehaviour = $true #Should we cache responses for faster api times (Override with pageControl)
$defaultAuthBehaviour = $false #By default, should pages require an auth token (Override with pageControl)
#Turn on Verbosity so you can see whats going on
$VerbosePreference = 'continue'
#Start the listener class (Your PS Window will lock)
(In a new window)
invoke-restmethod -uri 'http://localhost:9889/math?x=1&y=2'
#Reference your api path
$apiPath = 'c:\psRapid'
#Reference to the tokens xml file
$tokenPath = "$apiPath\config\tokens.xml"
#Grab the admin token
$adminToken = $($(import-clixml "$apiPath\config\tokens.xml")|Where-Object{$_.username -eq 'Administrator'}).token
#Construct a header
$tokenHeader = @{'x-api-token' = $adminToken}
#Invoke an admin page request to stop the listener
Invoke-restmethod 'http://localhost:9889/admin/stop' -Headers $tokenHeader
psrAPId is a fast-to-build API framework that takes standard PowerShell functions (as files) and turns them into rest endpoints.
The original version was created over a weekend in March 2018. I wanted an API back-end that I could use to learn REACT+AXIOS. It didn't need to be fast. It did need to be easy to use, expand, change, and try stuff out. Since PowerShell is my primary coding language, I wanted it in PowerShell.
I looked at a few existing PowerShell based API options, and I was left a little frustrated. My thought process was I should be able to just write a fairly standard PowerShell function then have my API framework evaluate the function and make it Restable with the least amount of setup and configuration, and the most amount of discovery and documentation
I decided to do it with PowerShell Classes to really expand my knowledge of how they work, plus I thought the inheritance could come in handy. I was pleasantly surprised with how the server performed on initial tests, and the performance was better than expected.
It can handle between 3-10 rest calls per second, depending on the performance of your scripts, the amount it's cached, and the server you are running it on. Obviously this pales in comparison to a proper API, but depending on your needs it may be more than suitable.
- As a rest-proxy service so we can control auth
- As a way to rapidly prototype and PoC rest methods
- To handle things like SNS Topic subscriptions
- To handle webhook events and start automation tasks
- To create a rest backend for a REACT front-end as PoC projects
- As a cache-controlled backend for universalDashboard
- Token Support
- Uses Headers object - 'x-api-token'
- Can be toggled off for standard access
- Saves the tokens within a
file (import withimport-clixml
- Built-In Admin Requests
- Used to create/restrict new tokens
- Locked-down access based on token
- Standard JSON output objects
- Runs PowerShell scripts as http page requests
- Output will be consolidated into an 'items' array
- Self Documenting
- Script Parameters can be passed back to the API as 'inputs'
- Folder Structure and PS1 Files will be returned as links
- Response Caching
- Will cache pages and responses in the interest of performance
- Caching can be controlled on both a default level and with a special
- Per-method access config (Via
attribute)- Can limit page authorisation to CIDR's if required
- Can limit page auth based on token acceptance
- I turned it off
- Allows use of POST or GET
- They are treated the same on the API level, all params will be bundled up and splatted to your function
- Choose one type only
- If you send a post method, it will use the post params
- If you send any other type of method, it will use the querystring params
- Basic Script Error Handling
- If your function fails, the basic page response will be provided rather than nothing at all
- Writen in PowerShell
- Uses PowerShell classes
- The Admin Page is built-in with its own class
- Works on Linux
- Managed to get it working on PsCore running on a UBUNTU server
- Logs to a file
- logs will be saved to
- logs will be saved to
- Where we (At Domain) are using this internally, we do our cert-termination on the load-balancer
- Otherwise its used for PoC and local traffic only, so we never had a need to implement
- If you really want support for HTTPS please let me know (Or even put in a pull-request)
- No User Groups
- I've started working on this but it isn't done yet.
- Doesn't take cache control headers (To-Do)
- Lots of the verbose logging will be commented out
- I've done this to try and keep logging as low as possible and performance up
- There isn't alot of documentation
- Haven't found a good way to document classes, if you know of one, please let me know
- Probably need to rework the error response
- Code Coverage seems a little sparse
- it's actually not, it just doesn't seem to handle classes very well
- Use NSSM to run it as a service
- It can be unstable when receiveing requests in quick succession
- AKA psrAPId crashes after 200 requests in a row
- Use hashtables and clixml import/export to simulate databases
- I found the import and export adds not a lot of time to the request
- Hashtables are very fast and this has been an ideal way of PoC database type data
- Keep your functions clean and fast
- If your having performance issues, check it's not your script thats causing the slowness
- psrAPId works best with short, fast functions
- Use Comment-Based Help
- By putting in proper comment-based help, psrAPId will send the params etc back in the inputs section
- Use the pageControl to change the cache behaviour
- Probably not a good idea to cache things like dice rolls etc
- Check the Pester Tests in the source code for a good example on additional functions and setup
- Some ports are restricted and you need admin to use them
- Standard web ports like 80 fall into this category
- Similarly, you may need to run as admin to listen on more than just
- You can set the listener to '*' to listen on all hosts
- You can use the admin pages to
- Add new users
- Disable users
- Clear the caches
- Add and revoke Admin
- List users
- You can make a single function available to localhost only by setting the network range to ''
- Check the returned LINKS and INPUTS items for function documentation and API navigation
To start the psrAPId api server, you need to start the listener class object
The listener class object has two primary constructors. Whichever class you choose you will need to provide the right parameters (They are optional).
Note: The parameters must be supplied in the correct order
Note2: Once you start a listener your PowerShell thread will be locked waiting for incoming requests. To stop the service, make a rest call to the admin/stop page.
Will start the listener with the params of your choosing Will automatically set:
- defaultCacheTime to 15 mins
- defaultCacheBehavour to true
- defaultAuthBehaviour to false
These settings will be used where a pageControl attribute value is not supplied or the pageControl attribute is not set
Param | type | Description |
port | int | The port to listen on. If using restricted port need admin access |
hostname | string | The hostname to respond to Can be localhost or *. May need admin access if using other than localhost |
apiPath | string | The filepath to the API |
requireToken | bool | Whether or not to force tokens for all API requests. If switched to on all requests will be unauthorised unless provided with an appropriate token Token Header Format: {'x-api-token' = $token} |
requireToken overrides the defaultAuthBehaviour and the rule set in the pageControl attribute
$port = 80
$apiHostname = 'localhost'
$apiPath = 'c:\myApiPath'
$requiredToken = $false
The second constructor provides a way to control the defaultCacheTime, defaultCacheBehaviour and defaultAuthBehaviour to be usedby your functions
Param | type | Description |
defaultCacheTime | int | For how many minutes should we cache a response |
defaultCacheBehaviour | bool | If, by default, we should cache at all |
defaultAuthBehaviour | bool | If, by default, we should require a token for pages |
$port = 80
$apiHostname = 'localhost'
$apiPath = 'c:\myApiPath'
$requiredToken = $false
$defaultCacheTime = 30
$defaultCacheBehaviour = $false
$defaultAuthBehaviour = $true
If you run your API as a service or you want historical logs, the API server will output to {apiPath}\config\log.txt
A default Admin token will be generated so you have something to interact with the Admin pages with. Tokens are saved as a PowerShell CLIXML file in {apiPath}\config\log.txt
You can create additional tokens and disable existing ones via the admin pages.
You will always need a token with admin access to interact with the admin pages
Token usage history will also be attached to the token object, and reviewable via the get endpoint, if auditing is required
The Admin Pages are built-in rest endpoints to control the API server. The endpoints are:
Endpoint | Description |
/stop | Stop the API Endpoint from listening to requests. You will need to manualy start the listener again |
/user/new | Add a new user |
/user/disable | Disable existing user |
/user/enable | Re-Enable a disabled user |
/user/revokeAdmin | Revoke admin for a user |
/user/grantAdmin | Grant admin for a user |
/user/get | List the current users and tokens |
/clearcache | Clear the page and result cache from the server API |
For inputs required, make a parameterless call to the endpoint and check the inputs object returned
If you accidentally disable all accounts, you can manually edit the file and grant access again
If you update your functions (page), clear the cache to flush the page details and force them to reload on next request
The PageControl attribute is a special item you can put into the header part of your advanced PowerShell function (Together with Params and cmdletBinding) to change how your page is cached and accessed.
Paramater | Type | Description |
cache | bool | Whether to cache the page responses or not |
cacheMins | int | How long to cache responses for |
networkRange | array[string] | Any network CIDRs to restrict requests from |
tokensRequired | bool | Restrict access to authorised tokens only |
authGroup | array[string] | Not currently used |
Comment-Based Help Section
cache = $true,
networkRange = (''),
tokenRequired = $false,
cacheMins = 3
#Function Code
Domain Group for InnovationDay
projects, without which I wouldn't have needed to make this
Jay Wang (github) for his thorough testing and ideas (Network restricting)
Richard Zhang (github) for testing this out and motivation to get it working
If you have any issues, concerns, requests or just comments (good or bad), please raise an issue against this project.