SpookyHash V2 is a fast x64 targeted hash developed by Bob Jenkins. This python library is a wrapper around Bob Jenkin's public domain c++ implementation (current as of August 2012).
In python2 results are all long
type for consistency despite the fact that
32bit ints do not need to be.
The bit width features are a convenience to save a masking operation if you need shorter hashes. There isn't a significant performance difference between the hash size options as they are all computed internally as 128bit hashes.
>>> from spooky import hash128, hash64, hash32
>>> s = 'this is only a test...'
>>> hash128(s) #128bit python int from 2 unsigned long long ints in c
>>> hash64(s) #64bit int
>>> hash32(s) #32bit int
>>> hash32(s) == hash64(s) & 0xffffffff == hash128(s) & 0xffffffff
>>> from binascii import hexlify #if you prefer hex strings to ints
>>> hexlify(hash128(s).to_bytes(16, 'little'))